所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone application for Picture Gallery

iPhone application for Picture Gallery 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ruth baker 接包方 : Keysolution 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100297
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Testing iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-04-10


We are interested in developing an iphone application which should be able to:

- Display pictures (one at a time) from the database, with few lines of description of the picture.
- Provide user control to move to previous or next picture.
- Enable user to upload pictures and add the description.
- On the backend - each uploaded picture will be associated with user's email address and GPS location.
- Each uploaded picture will display user's name, city, country and upload date & time.
- Pictures will be categorised - country wise.
- User will have choice to select which country's pictures he/she wants to view OR to select 'All' OR 'Random'.

Admin (web) interface
- You will be responsible to create required databases/tables.
- All new uploaded pictures will queue up in a secondary database.
- Admin will approve/ decline new submissions. Approved uploads will transfer into main database while declined will stay in secondary db.
Admin will have choice to delete uploads from secondary or master database at any time, by selecting item wise, description wise, country wise or ALL.
- Display pictures gallery alongwith description; with provision of 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 pictures per page.
- Sort pictures country wise, (submitted) location wise and date of submission wise.
- Display total number of pictures; location wise, country wise & totals.
- Able to manage pictures/ records. e.g. add, delete, modify.
- Able to manage admin users.
- A user level web interface to upload pictures and their descriptions from our website.
- Admin should be able to manage users.
- Admin / user interface should have basic functionalities like forgot password, change password etc. 
- User/admin interface will be required during first week of start of the project; so that we could start uploading data - which will make your testing process bit easy.

There might be some minor requirement changes during the project.

In addition to development, you will be responsible:

- For submission & approval of application to & from Apple on our behalf.
- Upto minimum of six months after sales support (starting from the date of approval @ Apple Store).
- Free updates (bug fixes) during six months support time.

We will own the product, source code and its all copyrights. You will have Non-Disclosure Agreement with us.

Your bid must include the bidding price and time frame to complete the project.

No upfront costs will be paid. You will be paid at the completion of project, on the date of Apple's approval.


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