所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Copy Existing Developing Ecommerce website

Copy Existing Developing Ecommerce website 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Brian jackson 接包方 : Mmonibi 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100314
项目预算 : $2,500
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access PHP Search
发布日期 : 2010-04-10


CheapSigns.net Requirements Document
copy website
username: cheapsigns


The purpose of this document is to outline everything that will appear on the cheapsigns.net site as well as explanations on how different areas of the site will function. The content portion of this document that lays out the site parameters is split into 3 parts.


Public Site - refers to the site that people can see without having to login or have an account setup 

Private Site - refers to the site that the public gets access to via a login or setting up an account or order products 

Admin Site - refers to the backend of the site where the site owners and those authorized can change parameters of the site and it's products 

DB - Database in which all CheapSigns data is held (orders, customers, products, etc)

Public Side 

Home Page

This page will consist of text areas for search engine friendly text as well as links to the most popular products.  All home page content will be controlled through the homepage admin.

Product Summary Page

This page will show multiple products / specials likely without pricing information so one can be selected to be viewed on the details page along with its pricing. 

Product Detail Page

This page will contains the details of the product

Shopping Pages

Shopping Cart Page

Shows list of products currently in the shopping cart for purchase.  Clicking link on product name will take you to product details page for that item.

Checkout Page

This page shows the final total of the current shopping cart, and gives options to checkout using the available methods as well as an opportunity to save their cart and/or login to their personal account. 

If the user wants to checkout without creating an account or logging in, then they will proceed to the Enter Information Page. 

If the user wants to checkout by creating an account to keep track of order history, etc, then they are taken to the "Register/Login" page of the site.

Billing Shipping Information

User enters their billing and shipping information into this page and then proceeds to the finalize order page.

Finalize Order Page

This page allows the customer to finalize their order, confirm their billing and shipping information and press the "Process My Order" button.

Contact Page

Page contains all contact information for Cheap Signs as well as a submittable form where people can contact Cheap Signs directly from the website.

FAQ Page

Contains Frequently Asked Questions that Cheap Signs has provided to developer for implementation into site.

Register/Login Page

This page consists of a form that allows cusomters to login using their email address and password they setup when they registered or first purchased products. 

If the customer doesn't have login credentials, there is a link that will take them to the register page where they can enter their name, email address and other required information and receive their password to login. 

Page will also consist of a "Forgot Password" function that will allow the user to enter in their email address and we will change the password for that email address and email it to the email address in our system.

Private Side 

Order Status Page

This page shows the status of current orders that have not been delivered to the customer yet. 

If Cheap Signs is waiting for the customer to provide some type of information input for the job to continue, it will be reflected on this page when the customer logs into their account. 

When the customer has pending art approvals on their project, this page will show those art approval requests and allow the user to approve/decline art based on image uploaded by Cheap Signs 

An approved art submission allows the job to continue as planned 

A declined art submission gives the customer a text box to explain why they are declining the artwork.

Account Profile Page

Page consists of an overview of information for the customer's account as well as current order statuses, etc. 

Contains links to billing profile page, order history, order status, art approvals, etc

Billing Profile Page

Page contains billing information of customer (if we can keep that information on QB servers -- we should NOT store this information in our DB)

Order History Page

List Page - Shows list of past orders and their final costs for that customer.  Clicking on the order item will take you to the details page for that order.

Details Page - Shows the details of that order such as products, sizes, # of colors, material, special instructions, order date, completion date, etc


User Admin

List Page - Lists all users on the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add User" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a user.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular user will take you to the "User Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific user. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a user, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the user's first name/last name, username, email addresses and what user group they are part of.  When adding a user, the user's password is automatically emailed to them so they can login and change it to their preference.

Groups Admin

List Page - Lists all groups on the system and the status of the user group.  Clicking on the "Add Group" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a group.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular group will take you to the "Group Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific group. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a group, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the group name, it's status and select the permissions that group has in the listed modules.

Materials Admin

List Page - Lists all materials in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Material" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a material.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular material will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific material. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a material, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the material's name and status.  Materials must be entered and active before they can be used to develop a product for the online store.

Size Admin

List Page - Lists all sizes in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Size" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new size.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular size will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific size. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a size, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the size's name, length, width, unit of measure and status.  Sizes must be entered and active before they can be used to develop a product for the online store. 

Quantities Admin

List Page - Lists all quantities in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Quantity" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new quantity.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular quantity will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific quantity. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a quantity, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the quantity number and status.  Quantities must be entered and active before they can be used to develop a product for the online store.

Print Admin

List Page - Lists all "number of colors" available in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Print" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new "number of colors".  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular "number of colors" will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific number of colors. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting numbers of colors, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the name for the "number of colors" as well as the actual numeric and status.  Number of colors must be entered and active before they can be used to develop a product for the online store. 

Setup Charge Profiles

List Page - Lists all profiles in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Profile" link will take you to the admin page and allow you to add a new product.  Click on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular profile will take you to the admin page and allow you to update or delete that specific profile 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a profile, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the profile name, markup percentage and set it's status.  Pressing the "Add" button will add the profile and take you back to the List page.  Clicking the "Add Setup Charges" button will allow you to proceed to adding individual charges for the setup charges profile and all individual charges for each profile will be totaled up to give one final total of setup charges for that profile.

Product Admin

List Page - Lists all products in the system, description and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Product" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new product.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular product will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific product. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a product, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the product name, description, picture of the product, another product this product is a name for, materials, sizes, quantities, and number of colors available for this product.

Material Cost Matrix

List Page - Lists all materials in the system where a cost is setup and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Material Cost" link will take you to the admin page and allow you to add new costs for a material.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular material will take you to the admin page and allow you to update or delete costs associated with that specific material.

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a material cost matrix, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to select the material (for add only) as well as input the pricing of the material based on size and quantity you purchase.

Labor Cost Matrix

List Page - Lists all materials in the system where a labor cost is setup and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Labor Cost" link will take you to the admin page and allow you to add new labor costs for a material.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular material will take you to the admin page and allow you to update or delete labor costs associated with that specific material.

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a labor cost matrix, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to select the material (for add only) as well as input the pricing of the labor for that material based on size and quantity.

Profit Markup Matrix

List Page - Lists all materials in the system where a profit margin is setup and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Profit Markup" link will take you to the admin page and allow you to add new profit markups for a material.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular material will take you to the admin page and allow you to update or delete profit markups associated with that specific material.

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a profit margin markup, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to select the material (for add only) as well as input the profit markup percentage of the material based on quantity.

Job Status Admin

List Page - Lists all job statuses in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Job Status" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new job status definition.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular job status will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific job status. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a job status, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the job status name, and it's status.

Order Admin

List Page - Lists all job statuses in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Job Status" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new job status definition.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular job status will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific job status. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a job status, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the job status name, and it's status.

Customer Admin

List Page - Lists all customers in the system and if they are active or on hold.  Clicking on the "Add Customer" link will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to add a new customer.  Clicking on the "Update" or "Delete" link for any particular customer will take you to the "Admin" page and allow you to update or delete that specific customer. 

Admin Page - When adding, updating or deleting a customer, this page allows you to make the settings changes and then submit those changes for saving into the DB.  You are able to enter the status, company, first name, last name, address, phone and email of the customer.  If you delete a customer, the system will delete everything related to that customer including all orders.  It will not remove their information from the QBMS account.

Home Page Admin

Content Page - This page looks like the home page of the site, but allows you to see what sections of the home page are available for update through the admin.  Clicking the "Update" link next to a section of the home page will take you to the admin page to edit this content 

Admin Page - When updating content for the home page, you will be able to alter the main textual information for the page, the page title, a section for small news updates and links to the top 5 hottest products or products chosen to be highlighted.  Pressing the "Update" button on this page will submit the changes and save them into the DB.

Process Files - Files needed for the functionality of other areas of the site, but don't have a visual page that you can view

QBMS Connection Ticket - This file connects to QBMS and creates a connection ticket that validates the sites ability to connect to QB. 

QBMS Session Ticket - This file connects to QBMS and creates a session that helps QB keep track of a particular customer on the site while they interact with the sites billing/invoicing system. 

QBMS Process File - This file actually does all the functionality that is required for QB to process payments submitted by the CS website as well as store customer billing information in the QBMS account for future billings. 

Website Security Files - This is a set of files that allow the website to register users for the admin backend and then control what modules the user has control of and to what level they have control. 


This document contains all functionality and pages that this application will need to run. Anything not listed on this document will not be considered or developed for this application. Please make sure that all items that are needed are listed herein so that nothing is overlooked.

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