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Advertising SOAP API integration & ad scheduler for LAMP site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Nancy moore 接包方 : Thesser 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100526
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-15


We are an advertising company seeking an experienced developer to design, implement and test software that integrates our existing PHP application with an affiliate service API which will also necessitate developing some business logic for scheduling ads for the service.

Required skills:
1. PHP5 web application development experience
2. Fluency in SQL (MySQL in particular)
3. XML and web-related XML technologies
4. Experiencing using or implementing SOAP-based web-services.

Desired skills:
5. Familiarity with Zend framework
6. Familiarity with Linux environment & Apache
7. Experience with Google AdWords API
8. Experience with Yahoo APT API

You must have demonstrated ability to work in a team environment, be highly-available for interaction, fluent in English and have appropriate taskcity tests and portfolio or commensurate resume.

This is a significant project with a moderate deadline, so only apply if you have the time and resources to devote to it.

In your application, *please indicate which of the above skills you have - by number*.

The task involves two pieces:
1. Implementation of a PHP wrapper for the SOAP API using Zend_Soap if possible.
2. Development of an 'Advertisement scheduler' that can schedule when ads should be run on different affiliate sites with different costs and cost models and depending on parameters set by the advertiser, such as budgets, daily schedules etc.

We have a larger ongoing project to which this will contribute.  We're looking to establish a relationship with you for possible future pieces of the project.  If the chosen candidate goes a professional job we'll be in a position to hire for ongoing tasks on an hourly basis.

Please bid based on your estimate of the effort and your rate.  No up-front payment requirement please.

Thank you!


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