所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Evernote API website

Evernote API website 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Terry hall 接包方 : Iguru 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101114
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Testing Data Entry
发布日期 : 2010-04-28


The project is to develop a website to test the process of bringing bundles of scanned documents into a users Evernote account using the Evernote API. This is only a test website.
Bundles of documents are identified with a barcode number (barcode 128). Prior to scanning, a person registers the bundle of documents at an online location to tie the book to a user account. The work in this project involves 2 main components:
1) The software and web interface required to link (and verify) a barcode to an evernote account.
2) The software infrastructure required to bring the uploaded images to a users evernote account.
3) Any instruction and direction for the scanner to upload images (.jpg) to the correct evernote account is required as part of this work.

Work detail:
Part 1) Book registration site:
The site will have the following 3 data entry fields:
Evernote username:
Evernote password:
Barcode number:

The following error checking and notification (if error) is required:
- Evernote username does not exist, please try again
- Evernote password is incorrect, please try again
- Barcode number was not entered correctly, please try again
- Barcode number has already been registered

If the barcode is successfully registered and tied a user account, the following notification will be provided:
- Barcode successfully registered
Additional information:
The barcodes for testing will be provided (50)
The algorithm for error checking the 128 barcode will be provided.
Part 2) Software for linking
The scanner will scan multiple bundles of documents at once. Each bundle will be identified through scanning the barcode associate with the bundle. Once multiple bundles of documents are scanned, the scanner will upload the data to Evernote (preferred) or to an intermediate account. Considerations:
-each image file can be named by the scanner. Maintaining sequence is important.
-each document bundle will be identified by the barcode #
-it will be batch uploads
-the documents need to go to the right account
-if the barcode was not registered, the documents cannot go to a users account. They need to be put into a holding pen until the barcode is registered. Once the barcode is entered, the documents are released from the holding pen.

Part 3) Specification/Direction to the scanner for transfer
The scanner will need to know the where to upload documents to. If there are file formats or other considerations, these directions will need to be provided to the scanner. The scanner intends to store the images in .jpg format but no consideration has been made for file naming and ensuring file order (ie. document sequencing) is maintained within Evernote.


接包方 国家/地区
Iguru (中标)


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