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Website rebuild 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Alison lee 接包方 : Rapid 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101397
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Mac OS X
发布日期 : 2010-05-01



Having been severly let down by my previous web designer I'm looking for someone who knows how to follow a brief. I can send a pdf mock up of what I need the layout to be. Please only respond if you think this is something you can do to my specifications.

I have my own domain name and web hosting.

I need a 6 page site.

**Home page**

Title + 3 thumbnail images with titles.
image 1 = film & theatre
image 2 = Fashion
image 3 = transformation
When thumbnails are clicked on they take you directly to that gallery page.

**About Me**

single image plus text (to be provided by me)

**Film & theatre**
photo gallery page.
Multiple thumbnail images with one large display image.
When thumbnails are clicked on their image appears in this display window.
If no thumbnails are clicked on large image should automatically slideshow through all images.

photo gallery page.
Same layout as previous page.
Multiple thumbnail images with one large display window.
when thumbnails are clicked on their image appears in this display window.
If no thumbnails are clicked on large image should automatically slideshow through all images.

photo gallery page.
same layout as previous page.
Multiple thumbnail images ("before" shots) with one large display window.
When tumbnails are clicked on the "after" image appears in this display window.
If no thumbnails are clicked on large image should automatically slideshow through all images (before/after/before/after).

**Contact Me**
Basic contact proforma contact page.

* * *

The photos that will be on there will need to change on a regular basis so ideally I would like to be able to do this myself.

There should be no need to scroll down on any page.

The site will primarily be viewed by Mac users although I am a pc user.

People will only reach the site if I give them the adress so I am not worried about google ranking or anything like that.

If you think this is something you can do I'd love to hear from you.


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