所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Online Taxi Reservation / Despatch System

Online Taxi Reservation / Despatch System 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edgar dent 接包方 : Richard_liang 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101405
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-01


We are looking for a professional / company with experience in GPS to create internet based "taxi dispatch service".

The basic idea of the project is to create an online system where online User + taxi office will enter orders into system online and taxi drivers using their mobile device in cars could pickup them.

System explained: online user places oredr or taxi office will pickup order by phone and enter into online system. Taxi cars are equipped with PDA and have a real time updated online interface to see all new orders. Driver will be able to pickup order from his car and go to the location. Or Despatch Agent can allocate an order to a driver
Every driver must have his own username & Password so that Taxi Office can see who is currently serving the order.

Also cars are equipped with GPS and system must Record & show driver's real time Location (coordinates) on the map.

Taxi driver's interface should also show orders on the map (within a defined radius)so that driver can easily find the closest order.

Programming language no preferences (ex: PHP, database MYSQL.)

Please feel free to ask more questions.



It should be a small .exe application what should exchange data with
the server in real time. should be a version what in windows mobile / iphone.

When a software started up, should be a login and password field, what
each time should be authorized by remote server. after when taxi user
login in, the software should start.

when a new job is posted from the dispatch service it should immediately appear on the driver's screen ,
basically driver should see customer name, address and phone number and also must have buttons "accept" or "decline".

when he push accept button the software should send data the server
and update dispatch centre screen where the order already
accepted, on the dispatch screen server it
should show the taxi cab user ID near the order who was has
accepted. all updated also
should appear on dispatch service screen.

As well when the page is updated it should be impossible for another
taxi driver to take the same order, for example when 2 taxi drivers
push accept button but one a second early the second driver should get a message that order
already granted to other cab.
The what cab who was granted the order, also should get a note on his
screen that he has been granted and also should present a cancel
button, this is just in case he change his mind for some reason not
to complete it , so when he
click it ,it will update the page and will make
available for other taxi cabs to accept it.

GPS and Internet connection.

Drivers will be using Windows Mobile Base PDA / iphone with Built in GPS receiver.
Same software also should receive data from gps receiver and send coordinated to the server
in customizable by user time interval(for example every 10Sec) and save coordinated on server's database.
PDA's connected to the Internet via GPRS or 3G. In case GPRS connection is lost, GPS coordinates should be stored locally on the pda and then synced with Database server at reconnection.


Dispatch centre interface should be a web based with login and

Should have input fields to post an order, (name, address, phone
Number. Calculate Mileage based on pick up & drop off points & work our real time mileage & cost). Routing to display on the screen as well.
Should be able to popup caller history from past orders ( Read incoming caller data from our PBX) & pop up a order history form on Booking Agent's Screen.

as well should have a map of the city and on the map should show
location of the cabs.

GPS receiver from Driver's PDA/iphone should send coordinates to the server and the server should
show current location of the cab on the map. this can be done with
integrating with google maps. THE BEST WAY WOULD BE TO INTEGRATE
with Open source openGTS system,please check openGTS website.
We require all features of openGTS, Driver reports & search History etc.

Order sending.

When an order is posted, it should enter to the list of history what
also should be on the same page and have status pending, when driver
accepts order, the order status should be updated and show which cab
number accepted the order.
also should be an option to cancel the order any time.

as example, after posting an order, order enters in the history list and
have status pending, when one of taxi cabs accept it, status change to
processing and user ID who was granted.

vehicle tracking

as mentioned above each taxi cab should send GPS coordinates in
specified time period to the server and it should be saved in a
database, dispatch service user must have an access to the the
coordinates history for tracking purpose.
for example should have a list of taxi ID usernames and when click on
the username it should show all coordinates what was reported from the
as well should create database by date, and under each date
coordinates. when on the coordinates list should be an external links
to google maps so it can show the all coordinates on the google map.

We require all features of openGTS, Driver reports & search History etc.


should be also an administration panel to create a dispatch service
user and also to give a permission to dispatch centre user to create
restricted number of taxi cab users.

the master administrator should be able to restrict the number
of taxi users for each dispatch service.
for instance, if a master system administrator wants to give
maximum of 10 taxi cabs users per one dispatch centre that means a
dispatch centre can't create more than 10 taxi users .

Reporting & Billing:
System should be able to produce various reports, Invoices for Customers, Drivers & Commission invoices for travel Agents as well as sales agents.
Payment gateway Integration, SMS & Export Billing Data to our accounting software.

Full Data fields & Step by step details can be provided on request.

Only Professionals with Experience & + feed back will be considered.



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