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Protection Solution 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helen clarkson 接包方 : Superfly1405 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101683
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-06


I'm looking to get developed a digital protection solution for small business who sell 1 or more products ( i.e software, pdf, exe ebooks, epub, etc )

You must have experience in developing applications and having them work with an online environment like mysql database

I wish to mention I have seen a small business online offer a product similar to what I want created so I can provide excellent information on what is possible. Theirs only works on windows and they offer it as a service, meaning they provide a piece of software that lets you lock your products and make them only unlockable using an access key licence which is generated after purchase using a registration form. They also allow you to take existing products and turn them into trials that lock after so many days. So theres is a mixture of Software and files on a website with i think a database for storing licences and sales information

Now I am looking to offer something similar to people but it would be a one time product ( not a service ) and mine would work on windows and mac computers and the licence part would work on the server of my customer. So that when they deliver their products to their customers, it checks their server not mine for things related to the licence which grants them access to the product.

I want the software portion of it to work on windows, and mac computers with the possibility of linux too but mainly windows and mac.

Upon install it would install software and files on their website which would work hand in hand with the software to protect digital products.

I'm not sure what would be the best to have it coded in, though I am leaning towards Adobe Air because of its cross platform abilities i.e having 1 file which can be downloaded and used on windows, mac and linux instead of having to offer 3 files to download.

Obviously though I am open to other suggestions

It will need to look cosmetically professional, so I need to know that you have created software before. If you are able to show examples that would be great too.

Now just to let you know what I have done ahead of time is create a flow chart in mindjet manager to show you how this other business windows version works from sale to locking software to once the end customer gets a product. I can provide that to you.

I Have then created another flow chart based off the first detailing how mine would slightly differ. I aim to make sure that everything is nice and clear and wish to work with a programmer who wants to clarify everything before moving ahead. I can provide that too you.

Now obviously because I first have to establish if Adobe Air is the application to create this in or if it should be something else, I will need to know that first and then I would have to change my flow chart slightly before showing you. So that way there is no confusion and you can bid more accurately.

I will of course go into much detail, but first I need to establish if this can be done in adobe air, if not why not and what is the alternative?

I also need to get a rough ball park figure from you of what it would cost to have it made, obviously based on the general details I have given above. This might mean you placing a placement bid

All copyright and licensing would belong to me and I will have you sign a non disclosure agreement before we move ahead.

Again I need someone who is reliable, and can build this within 1 - 2 months at the very most.

Also because I cannot have anyone bail on me, I will only be looking at providers who have feedback ( anyone with 0 feedback please dont bid as you will not be selected )

I will give preference to whoever seems most capable and can give me the best price. My budget is between $500 to $1200


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