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Joomla google maps 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Mark anthony 接包方 : Cenonsol 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102531
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-26


This is a joomla and google maps project:

I'm willin got pay $125-175 for this work. I usually choice some quickly so respond today to messages on here

My client is developing an advanced Bicycle Tour website - where customers can draw their own maps in Google API, store it - share it with other users etc.

They have displayed both frontend pages, and backend 3 new components. We suggest to do it this way, but are open to ideas and suggestions

Live site is, and is not 100% finished in styling yet: http://test.ople (remove_this)vsydfyn.dk/

This was made IN PNGS NOT PSDS. So keep that in mind.

I have uploaded 4 jpgs - displaying the various states. We expect you to do all programming to makes this happen - also displaying the exact functions as displayed - also graphically. It's very important that the feel of the website is good.

1. make_your_own_route.jpg

This view is displaying a standard google map - with some extra icons, and 1 customized icon. These icons are also used on the standard google maps api - i.e. displayed on http://maps.google.com/help/maps/mymaps/create.html.

The idea of this website - is that customer can draw their own map, display hotspots (defined in admin), print the map, calculate height profile of the route (also done on http://iform.dk/ruteplan (remove_this)ner/tegn).

The customer can then save this map, add comments - and it's saved in the joomla mysql database. Customer can choose if they want to share with the World, or make it hidden to their login only.

The hotspots are defined in admin, where custom images are uploaded, categories and names defined etc. Take a look at

http://www.bolig(remove_this)a.dk/kort.aspx - for further reference.

2. recommended_routes.jpg

The routes defined under item 1, can then be chosen by administrator as "Recommended Routes". If this is selected in admin, the route is displayed here. The bicycle icon - when clicked - will display the correct route/map on right. If "I" is clicked, the information of the routes (text from admin) - will be displayed below.

3. See_other_users_routes.jpg

This is almost the same as item 2, with a little bit different design, and now with a list category of all "shared" maps, also displaying the page index at the bottom. There is also a search function - which will display any route with the correct search term - in a similar list to the displayed ALL list. The bicycle icon and "i" icon are the same as in item 2.

4. admin_components_oplev(remove_this)sydfyn.jpg

This is displaying 3 suggested components.

a. Hotspot - Admin can add hotspots for the google map, by defining latitude and longitude, and uploading an image on transparent background. This will be displayed on all maps displayed - where correct "category" is selected, or on all saved shared maps. You can also unpublish the hotspot, which must remove it from all frontend items

b. Hotspot category - simple category item, to be able to use different categories

c. Maps component - This has

- name/title,

- description,

- image link or file to be able to display in frontend

- Share - yes or no the only options

- Order - used in frontend on recommended routes.

- height profile calculated - not sure if this is saved or not. If saved it could be saved here, or it might not be neccessary

- published - admin must be able to unpublish and delete routes that are not valid/good anymore


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