所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Joomla Expert Needed (Soccer Website)

Joomla Expert Needed (Soccer Website) 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Michelle taylor 接包方 : Ktran79 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 103821
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Joomla
发布日期 : 2010-07-10


I have a sports website which is ~80% complete, but for some reason my current developer is no longer responding to my messages. Therefore, I am creating a new project looking for a joomla expert to do two things for me:

1 - Complete the current work which has been done
2 - Enhance the site to make it more robust and informative for the user, drive traffic to it, and monst importantly help monetize it.

Here is the site in its current form:

On item #1
There are things that need to be improved like... latest videos not populating to the home page.. posts from the forum not showing on the home page.. too much space in certain sections of the homepage like the "News" section. Chron job needs to be setup so content pushes to home page automatically.. There are a number of items which need to be fixed which I have documented in detail and I will discuss with the developers that I give consideration to for this job

On item #2
Overall, I am looking for someone who can look at what I have and make an overall proposal on how I can turn what I have (which I believe is a good site) into something that is great, and has effective monetization strategies implemented.

This person should be able to judge how the home page should be adjusted to add banner ads, or maybe if inline ads should be added, or if an amazon store would work well, etc.

This is not a project for someone new, so please do not bid if you have no experience with large projects or experience creating custom components. I want as much of the site automated as humanly possible, and I want the look of the overall site to be visually impressive. Most of all, I want to make money and lots of traffic. Is that too much to ask? :-)

I am demanding because I want things done with quality, and ON TIME. Communication is VERY important for me... if you are not reachable or dislike being asked about or providing status on a daily basis, this is probably not a job you would enjoy. I like to bounce ideas back and forth, and am willing to help wherever I can (i.e. thinking through possible solutions...)

If all of this makes sense to you, please let me know what you think of my site so far, and what you would do to take it from good to GREAT.




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