所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Taxi Dispatch System with GPS tracking functions

Taxi Dispatch System with GPS tracking functions 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edward 接包方 : Qiu198022 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 103831
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access Asterisk Linux
发布日期 : 2010-07-11




It should be a small .exe or equivalent application which should exchange data with
the server using GPRS in real time. should be a version in linux and windows.

When a software is started up, should be a login and password field, what
each time should be authorized by remote server. after when taxi user
login in, the software should start.

when a new order is posted from the dispatch system, it should immediately appear on the driver's screen, drivers will have a "Bid button" and order will be giving to the nearest driver from the order.Basically drivers should see customer name, address and phone number and also must have buttons "accept" or "decline".

Dispatch should also be able to send orders directly to individual drivers..............

when driver push accept button, the software should send data to the server and update dispatch center screen where the order already
accepted, on the dispatch screen server it should show the taxi cab user ID near the order who was has accepted. all updated also
should appear on dispatch service screen.

As well when the page is updated it should be impossible for another taxi driver to take the same order, for example when 2 taxi drivers push accept button, but one a second later, the second driver should get a message that order already granted to other cab.The cab who was granted the order, also should get a note on his screen that he has been granted the order and also should present a cancel button, this is just in case he change his mind for some reason not to complete it , so when he click it ,it will update the page and will make available for other taxi cabs to accept it.

GPS and Internet connection.

Drivers will have Smartphones with GPRS AND GPS.

Same software also should receive data from gps receiver and send coordinated to the server
in customizable by user time interval(for example every 1 minute,2
minutes or 5 minutes) and save coordinated on server's database.


Dispatch center interface should be a web based with login and

Should have input fields to post an order, (name, address, phone

as well should have a map of the city and on the map should show
location of the cabs.


Smartphones with GPS should send coordinates to the server and the server should
show current location of the cab on the map. this can be done with
integrating with google maps. THE BEST WAY WOULD BE TO INTEGRATE
with Open source openGTS system, please check openGTS website.

Order sending.

When an order is posted, it should enter to the list of history what
also should be on the same page and have status pending, when driver
accepts order, the order status should be updated and show which cab
number accepted the order.
also should be an option to cancel the order any time.

as example, after posting an order, order enters in the history list and
have status pending, when one of taxi cabs accept it, status change to
processing and user ID who was granted.

vehicle tracking

as mentioned above each taxi cab should send GPS coordinates in
specified time period to the server and it should be saved in a
database, dispatch service user must have an access to the the
coordinates history for tracking purpose.
for example should have a list of taxiID usernames and when click on
the username it should show all coordinates what was reported from the
as well should create database by date, and urder each date
coordinates. when on the coordinates list should be an external links
to google maps so it can show the all coordinates on the google map.



should be also an administration panel to create a dispatch service
user and also to give a permission to dispatch center user to create
restricted number of taxi cab users.

Other features:

Vehicle management, example, expired mot, tax, PCO Licence, Service, etc. If any of these are expired, driver is locked out from system automatically until diver show proof, then admin can unlock driver..........System must Aslo have manaul driver "lock out" button..

Text message service to and from Server and PDA

Driver on break button

Driver Panic button - when selected, Should send text msg to Server to alert office, driver location should be flagged up on system too.

Invoice system for account customers

Postal code lookup - for easy booking

Driver on holiday

Repeat customers - for easy booking

Caller ID and call logger - must be intergrated with Opensource Asterisk

Tomtom button to navigate driver to order, once accepted.....

******************* If you can build same system on opensource, feel free to let me have more info *******************

Important --------- this system must be able to be implemented on unlimited sites..........................


接包方 国家/地区
Qiu198022 (中标)


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