所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Traffic GEO Ip Country multi url redirect system.

Traffic GEO Ip Country multi url redirect system. 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : David major 接包方 : Webscale 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 103867
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access PHP
发布日期 : 2010-07-12


We are looking to build a traffic script that can seperate traffic

in a number of ways. We will send traffic to the script & depending

on the selections made, deliver the traffic by country,ip unique with

6,12.18,24 selections. Here are a couple of scripts that will give

you a idea of what we are looking for, you can see them here at:



It must have a secure login to access the system with user/pass.

The script will issue the url to send the traffic to. It much be able

to make at least up to 1/2 dozen url's which can be used for different

souces, suppliers. The script will issue the url & we want to be able

to send traffic to script, and it will have up to at least 6 redirect

url's that the traffic will go to depending on the traffic coming in.

For instance, the scipt will setup the url, we send traffic to the

script, if its US traffic within the 6,12,18,24 period, it will go to

one url, if its say not US traffic, it will go the another that we set

it for, if the same ip comes in lower then the

time period set, the traffic will go to the 2nd url, and down the

line to up to 6 urls. It was also have a pause feature for the 2nd

to 6th url. It must display that the daily stats.

We don't want to store Ip address more then the time allowed, so it

would be good to have a dump feature for the time allowed so it

doesn't take up more space that is not necessary.

We are looking for a full featured, traffic redirect script. If it

works out, then we will be looking to setup a commecial one that

can be used by our clients.

You must be able to work with me on this until it is done

the way I want it. There is no rush for this project, I want

it done right, with as many features as necessary to be awsome




接包方 国家/地区
Webscale (中标)


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