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IHUB Forum clone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Patricia brown 接包方 : Macdeveloper2 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 104180
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SEO
发布日期 : 2010-07-21


I need an inspired by this web site, with all the functions and maybe add some more web 2.0 functions (I am open to your suggestions).


To better understand all the functions of the site, it's better you register into the forum, it's free.

Very important, the forum accept free accounts but with limitations, I want also the same functions, free and paid members, so, I need to accept payments.

Also the creation of independent forums inside the forum with moderators and assistants is very important, resuming, I need a 100% clone of this web site, only a different layout.

Please, only bid if you feel that you are able to do the work from the beginning till the end.

I need to see and test the site before pay.

You cannot copy any part of the code of IHUB, you need to code from the scratch, I don't want copyright problems.

I will have all the rights to the script after pay you.

The code must not be encrypted to be easily customized, must be open code.

The URL's must be SEO friendly.

Communication is very important for me, you need to be reached by MSN messenger or any other messenger easily.

You need to install the script on my server.

Payment will be made after I test a working demo without bugs, I can pay by paypal, credit card or wire transfer, I prefer by wire transfer.

Please, read all carefully and only bid if you understand and are able to do the job, I don't want to deal with apprentices.

Any questions, just PM me

Good bid



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