所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Inspired site to Groupon

Inspired site to Groupon 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Susan davidson 接包方 : Softblaze 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 106645
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Facebook
发布日期 : 2010-09-17



We are looking for professional web developers. The project is to develop a group buying website that will function inspired by Groupon.com. Functionality and technology would need to be inspired by Groupon meaning selling daily coupons/vouchers for local businesses - but only after minimum number of coupons is sold.

We need this done for $1500-$2000 and in the next 20 days.

Development of this project must be very fast and require developers who already have done similar group buying websites projects.

1) Ability to post new deals with following info: deal info, end date/time, min/max order, discount
2) Categorize deals by city
3) Option to share the deal on Facebook, Twitter or per email’s list.
4) Allow customers to create accounts, sign-in, bid for deals, provide payment info
5) Facilitate customers to sign-up for e-mail alert
6) Generation of the coupon for successful bids – Real time or chosen by the admin
7) Facilitate secure payment option with direct credit card transactions and Paypal
8) Discussion board for users, forums
9) About us, Contact us, How the site works sections ...
10) User portal which can store groupons bought, payment information.etc
11) Affiliates & referrals capabilities
12) Gift cards

Find below more detailed descriptions for this project:


- Ability to control the site through an interface, with a secure login, so that an administrator can login remotely.
- Ability to create multiple administration accounts with different rights / privileges.
- Ability to define multiple cities/platforms, so the user can switch between the cities.
- Ability to create new coupons independently for each city/platform

- Ability for an administrator to create a new ‘Deal' for the category for which they have permission.
- Ability to specify a start date / time, ending date / time, minimum purchase requirements, maximum purchase requirements, and the key terms and conditions (cost per coupon etc.)
- Ability to view all members, their contact details, and coupons purchased.

- On the side, the ability to post a ‘Bonus Deal' or ‘Side Deal'. This functionality would be hidden in the beginning.
- For each ‘Deal', a discussion page in which members can ask questions about the ‘Deal' and an administrator can login and answer questions for all members to see.


- Following fields for each coupon: ID, couponprice (that needs to be paid), original price/value of coupon, description, Pictures/collage, website, location of coupon (address), etc (see also groupon.com)
- Ability to set a min/max number of units that can be sold of one coupon. If the limit is reached before the coupon runs out, the deal closes and no-one can buy it anymore.
- every coupon should have a startdate when the offer is opened to the public and an enddate, when the deal closes (incl. time)
- When a deal is over or sold out before, it is displayed on the mainpage, but users cannot buy it anymore
- Report to see through the console, all buyers and their contact details of any coupon
- Extract/export buyer information into a CSV file
- site needs to allow to select one column or two columns to display prior deals and total displayed.
- Displays only specific information to the expired deal in the prior deal view but each should be clickable to a special prior deals directory displaying the normal page but not allowing the item/offer to be purchased.
- Ability to set a minimum number of coupons that need to be sold before the ‘Deal' becomes available. If members purchase a ‘Deal' that does not reach the minimum, they are automatically sent an email stating that the ‘Deal' closed.
- Need template driven front end (customer facing)

These details should give you an idea that it needs to be similar to Groupon. I have additional needs as well but will let those who I'm interested in working with know about the details.


接包方 国家/地区
Softblaze (中标)


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