所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Brand Identity for FatCat Portable Gadgets

Brand Identity for FatCat Portable Gadgets 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Judith burrows 接包方 : New_media_guru 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 112110
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2011-03-26


FatCat brand currently comprises two battery pack models, both designed to provide emergency power for people traveling with cell phones and other electronic gadgets - the ChargeCard, and the Solstice. There is also a range of FatCat solar-powered wind turbine models. See www.MangoEnergy.com.

We are looking for a packaging look & feel, and packaging design guidelines that will serve as a platform to encompass a comprehensive range of portable audio and illumination products powered by solar, dynamo, battery and wall power: flashlights, radios, utility lights, decorative lights, battery packs, camping lights, power generators.

Markets will be outdoors (camping, fishing, backpacking, beach); travel (business, everyday, adventure); emergency (power loss, roadside, weather, natural disaster); green (sustainable energy); and household (decorative and functional).

Target users will be widespread in terms of income, age, geography, lifestyle.

Price positioning will be above "cheap" but below "exotic", offering well-tested, well designed and dependable quality at prices accessible to the majority of users.

A distinctive packaging appearance will be an important part of FatCat brand differentiation, along with rigorous performance testing; a broad range; extensive warranty coverage; optional power sources; and specific performance features that are relevant to each target market.

Distribution will be via web and bricks & mortar stores. As always, display impact will be important as will brand identity and consistency.

At present we have a "cat logo" which is working well for us. We do not see the need to change this, but are not wedded to it if a better idea emerges.

Packaging look & feel should be applicable to a wide range of packaging formats - such as decorated board box; clam, box/clam combinations, peg hook, depending on product, size, etc. The ability to see the actual product clearly in the package, and (in some cases) to activate switches controls, etc would be helpful. Therefore a see-thru format would be normally be preferable to a closed box We are not looking for specific packaging design for each product, but more a FatCat brand look & feel and design guidelines which can be extended to new products as they are added to the range.

The products themselves will normally be black, sliver and gray in color. Some outdoor models may be earth colors; some (not many) will be primary colors for children or pastel colors for women. The design should therefore be compatible with a variety of colors. Space for simple user-instructions, UPC, distributor name, web address, should be allowed on the back.

The design elements should cover logo; type-style, pack color; use of space. Pack should be "environmentally thoughtful" with recycled materials used, but only where practical.


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