所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Experienced & Advanced Joomla Developer to finaliz

Experienced & Advanced Joomla Developer to finaliz 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Arthur jefferson 接包方 : Mastasoftware 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 92741
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Joomla CSS PHP
发布日期 : 2009-11-25


DO NOT BID ANY UPFRONT FEE's. You will not be hired or you will be rejected if you require any upfront fee's. You get paid once the job is completed successfully. Check my history, I pay immediately after the job is done. ******


My last developer completed my website with the exception of the things he couldn't do which is beyond his expertise.

This is for an urban music rap/r&b website. The website is http://www.louisianamixtapes.com . 

I am looking to hire someone within a day or two so be ready to be interviewed and be familiar with the tasks because I will ask.

Below are the tasks that needs to be completed. 

1. I have a link on my site called "beat shop". I need it set up like this - http://www.mybeatshop.com/ or something similar. I am using virtuemart to sell albums, singles and mixtapes, but the problem is, users cant listen to music before they purchase. The beatshop is for selling beats, but I need users to be able to listen before buying. If you know of a Joomla ext that will allow this, that is fine, if not, I will need something small created.
The last developer was working on the site but was unsuccessful. He made some changes he wasn't suppose to, so I need the eshop section of the website restored back to how virtuemart originally was.
2. I have a few small CSS changes in the template. Colors of menu links, etc

3. I have CB installed and I have member profiles for Artists, DJs, etc. I want comments on profiles. I had CBs profilebook installed, but every comment had an avatar linked to a profile, I dont want that. If you can just upload profile book again and edit the code so comments are not linked, that would work.
 Should not be much work at all for someone who knows PHP.

4. and integrating a better mp3 player on the profiles than the one I currently have
http://louisianamixtapes.com/featured/userprofile/TEST%20ARTIST and making sure the simple review module is properly working  (not sure if I will change the current mp3 player)

   *Please do not apply if you are not capable of completing the job successfully. You must be able to complete all tasks.

   *If it will take you a month to complete this, do not apply to this job.

   *If you have lack of communication and will be unable to update me on the site and will not respond to my emails, do not apply.

   *Bid reasonably on this project and do not bid with any upfront fee's. If you bid anywhere near $500-$1000, you will be rejected.

   *Please specify a timeframe, how long it will take you to complete this job.

I am having a hard time trying to find the right provider to complete these tasks. If you do not have the skills, do not apply. Please don't say you can complete it when you "think" you can, please know what you can and cannot do. Please, I know someone out there can complete this and in a small amount of time....


接包方 国家/地区
Mastasoftware (中标)


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