所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Convert Php/Smartee site to Joomla

Convert Php/Smartee site to Joomla 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ursula abel 接包方 : Kmay 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 94942
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-09


We have a fairly simple hotel website written in php and smarty. We want it converted to Joomla. Our site is currently working very well so you can use all the existing coding and connectivity to replicate most of the stuff we are doing. In general here is an overview of what the final product should have.

- Use Joomla supported APIs to the extent possible
- Clean CMS to display bookable properties, customized to our existing look and feel - with wich we are very happy.
- Admin panel where user can input descriptions, update reviews, add photos, videos, email marketing
- Smart display of properties details - maps, calendars, reviews, integrate one or two thrid party simple APIs such as walkscore, clean display of gallery/images in lightbox
- ajaxxy checkout - all in one page with proper validation (see laterooms for the checkout process), that records clients information and gives them login information to retrieve their booking.
- flexible URL rewritting for SEO.
- SEO conducive in general.
- blog with wordpress integration
- translation into languages suported by drupal - we definitley need French, Italian, Spanish and German.
- ability to convert prices quoted into three - four currencies.
- Integrating checkout to HSBC, Paypal, and Google Checkout
- Everything cleanly documented and tested.

Other Stuff.
- You will also help with the integration and set up of the site with our in house admin/developers who will be running this site on a day to day basis.
- We have several ongoing projects, and if we develop a strong working relationship we are happy to outsource more to the right developer. - We want to work with only experienced developers as we do not want to waste our time.
- PM us to get a complete spec so you know exactly what you are working on.
- In your bid/message, please say "Comply" to so we know you have read the complete requirements.


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