所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Pricequoter type site

Pricequoter type site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Robert davis 接包方 : Jennhowell 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95183
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-13


I'm wiling to pay $120-$180 for this work. It must be done in 15 days.

I need a joomla or drupal template modified and installed and made to do the following:

This site is going to provide a pricing and quote application to our customers based on simple calculations. The website must be compatible with iPhone and Windows Mobil in addition to Firefox, IE, and Safari.

The website will have 4 User Groups; Potential Customers, Customers, Application Users, and Site Administrators.

Potential Customers will find the site via various marketing campaigns. They will visit the root of the site - page layout and design will be provided - and given the opportunity to purchase. Upon purchase confirmation, the website will need to send the Potential Customer an email with login credentials and a link to the Customer Console.

Customers will use their confirmation email to connect to and authenticate to their Customer Console. The Customer Console will give the Customer the ability to modify and customize the settings for their PriceQuoter application. They will enter text and upload graphics. The Customer Console will provide a link to the unique address of their personalized PriceQuoter application that they can share with their clients for use (This address needs to contain the customer's company name). The Customer Console will also inform the Customer of their subscription expiration date and give them the opportunity to renew and process the payment. The Customer Console will also provide an opportunity for the Customer to submit "suggested features" to the Site Administrator

Application Users will visit the site via the link to the PriceQuoter Application provided to the Customer in the Customer Console. They will NOT need to authenticate. The PriceQuoter will have a page header that displays the Customer's logo and company name and tagline along with any other configured text. The page will also need to be formatted to the Customer's colors via CSS or something similar. The PriceQuoter will present the Application Users with a form requesting the information required to calculate the price. The results will be presented on the screen, and/or emailed, and available to print.

Site Administrators will log in and be able to view, sort, filter, add, delete, edit all customer informtion. Link to Customer Consoles, and PriceQuoters. They will also need to be able to view and sort "suggested features".

The main ecommerce portion of the site will look like this:

- Index (this is also where purchases will be made)

- Customer Login

- Terms & Conditions

- Privacy Policy

- About Us

- Contact

Note: it's not shopping cart site all it sell is the service 1 year subscription. The initial product is $150 for the first 12 months. They can renew for $50 from the customer console)

The rest of the site will be:

*Customer Console*

- Settings Page

- Application Skin Settings

- Customer Service

- Suggest Feature

- Link to Quote Application

*Quote Application*

- Application data capture form

- Application result display

*Admin Console*

- List, sort, view customers

- Link to customer consoles

- Link to customer apps

- List Feature Suggestions

- View License expiration by date


接包方 国家/地区
Jennhowell (中标)


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