所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone App - finish up pre-existing app

iPhone App - finish up pre-existing app 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ann major 接包方 : Phwizard 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96040
项目预算 : $1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-26


Our company is a leading website/database/Facebook App/Iphone App development company. We are currently about 60-70% done with a new iPhone App.  We have been using an in-house programmer who has very basic skills, and the final 30-40% needs to be completed immediately.  The Provider will either complete the 30-40% himself or assist our in-house programmer.  The App is a news reporting App.  It allows a user to select their photos and/or videos, provide some information about where/when/what was photographed, and upload the photos/videos and information to one of our dedicated servers that is hosted off-site.

If the Provider completes this job successfully, we have many more projects for him/her to work on in the near future.  We would like to hire someone who helped with or created individually, at least one App in the AppStore that we can view. 

 The app is divided into four main sections accessible from one 'main menu' view as well as from within the sections via Tab Controller Buttons. Two of the sections are Navigation Controllers with categorized information that drill down to detail views. A third section is another drill-down Navigation Controller displaying several different views, including some information populated from a remote XML file(s). The information in the XML file will be drawn from a MySQL database in the 'web-portal interface' manner necessary to pull information from databases to be used on the iphone.

The fourth and most significant section collects data from users and then allows them to upload to a remote server. Information collected will include user-selected values from Picker Wheels (populated by remote XML file) [users will need to be able to select one value from each category of information displayed in Picker Wheels], text-based input from users, photos selected from user photo library [users must be able to select more than one photo], videos selected from user video library [users must be able to select more than one video], and then the information must be organized and displayed for the user to review, edit text-fields if need be, view photos and video to review [users must be able to go back and re-select if they chose the wrong photo/video]. 

Once all the information has been collected and reviewed by the user, it will be submitted: the text-fields and filename/path of the photos/videos must be inserted into our remote MySQL database. The photos and videos must be uploaded to our remote server. During the upload process there must be a 'loading' or 'uploading' message displayed to user ensuring that they do not force-quit the application during the process. 

After the text values have been inserted to the database, the photos and videos uploaded to the server, and the process completed there must be a confirmation message displayed to the user with a unique confirmation ID (ideally based off of an algorithm involving the user's unique apple device ID). Once the confirmation message (a view) has been displayed, user taps button to dismiss it and returns to 'main menu' view.


- Reading information from XML files to populate navigation controllers
- Reading information from XML files to populate picker wheels
- Writing user-inputted information to the MySQL database upon submission 
- Uploading Photos and Videos to server, writing filename/path of photos/videos correlated with the above insertion to MySQL database (how are we going to manage multiple photos, multiple videos)
- Selecting multiple videos, and multiple photos to upload
- Accessing Geotag EXIF data from user's photo library or videos.
- Tab Bar Controller Functionality with a 'main menu' view that does not display the tab bar.
- Displaying icons, titles, and short descriptions in cells of navigation controllers.


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