所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg LBS shopping mall iPhone App (+Bberry & Android)

LBS shopping mall iPhone App (+Bberry & Android) 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Eve miller 接包方 : Hannals 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96239
项目预算 : $4,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-29


What I need or require: 
Development of a standards compliant iPhone application. 
To greatly facilitate development I would prefer use of one of the below frameworks:
But your inputs are welcome!

This is a shopping mall application/guide with a social context similar to Yelp/Foursquare/Gowalla iPhone apps (please familiarize yourself to better understand the application scope).
The application will make use of gps/location based services/google maps, facebook connect, iPhone device contacts, iPhone device camera, in-app purchases, advertising and other standard application features.
Besides for the consumer experience, there also needs to be a backend admin system developed such as a content management system, ability to add new shopping malls & stores, ability to feature stores, and user generated content moderation.
This application will be extended from the iPhone to other platforms: blackberry, android, and the web. The development & information architecture needs to be designed to allow this.
As a larger project ideally the same team will complete development for these other platforms as well! But not double the cost ;)

What I already have versus what the provider will deliver: 
The user-interface is already defined. Wireframes of the complete application have been completed. In addition, the complete application design, graphics, content & icons have been completed. These will be provided for review once a provider has been short-listed. The provider will only be required to develop the backend to enable these designs to come to life!
Application must be bug free!

Other context/requirements that providers will need to know: 
Most importantly, I'm looking for passionate individuals who will take part in making this application all it can be! That means sharing personal thoughts & inputs and having fun working on this project! Must be open to feedback and revisions if needed until application is just right!

Specific expertise/background that I am seeking: 
Previous experience and understanding in mobile development is a must. Exposure to smartphone applications (iPhone, Blackberry, Android) is a must. Familiarity with Yelp/Foursquare/Gowalla iPhone apps is a plus.
Please provide samples of past work.

Timeframe for delivery: 
Please deliver assets specified within 4 weeks of selection.


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