所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Simple iPhone App Timer

Simple iPhone App Timer 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Kirby 接包方 : Pocoapps 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96775
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Mac OS X iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-02-07



Record Time button (push the button and a clock starts running showing seconds... 1,2,3,4,5,6 - counts 

live- when it hits minutes then hours it goes to 1 hour 12 min 6 sec (and the sec count up)

Beneath this there is a "Details" link. click it and it opens up the following fields:

1)  Save Button (stores any user inputs But clock still runs"
2)  Cancel Button
3) End Session (stores all fields and stops clock"
3)  Duration (showing the current time recorded) field is editable
4)  Date (auto populated with todays date) field is editable
5) Tags  (this is a dropdown of tags- including the first option which is "Add New Tag" (which opens new 

field to input tag - which will then appear in the dropdown in the future) . When user selects a tag - the tag 

appears beneath this dropdown with an X next to it- click the X the tag is removed
Example tags could be- "no-limit" , "bellagio" , "2-4"
6) Input field " Start Amount $"
7 Input field "End Amount $"

Once the user ENDS SESSION A record is created with all of the data. 

[date] --  [$ per hour (End Amount  $ - Start Amount $ / duration)] -- [Duration] -- [Profit or Loss ( End Amount$- Start Amount $)]  [Tags] 

Beneath the timer in large font is Dollars per default to $/hour for All time

User can chose from- 
Today - Yesterday - This Week - This Month - This Year - All time - Custom Range


static page of text and links that I will provide


Default view show a list of all records - sorted by date- most recent date on the top. 

1)  User can select from--
RANGE:  Today - Yesterday - This Week - This Month - This Year - All time - Custom Range

2) User can refine by tag filters--

3) User can say show me only records with this tag (dropdown) Show me just data with TAG1 and TAG2
OR show me just data THIS WEEK with TAG1+ TAG2 + TAG3

4) User can sort by each field (date , $per hour high or low)

5) User can Edit or Delete records (With a warning on delete "Are you sure you want to delete this record?"



1) 02/02/2010 - Played 3 hours 30 minutes -- $165 profit -- $47.14 per hour  -- EDIT -- DELETE
2) 02/03/2010 - Played 1 hour 15 minutes -- $100 profit -- $80.00 per hour -- EDIT -- DELETE

TOTAL PER THIS WEEK- 4 hours 45 minutes -- $265 profit --55.78 per hour
I will test the app in xcode on my mac
I will submit the app myself
I will also provide admob in app advertising code


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