所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone Project - Media Browsing Component

iPhone Project - Media Browsing Component 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Matthew jackson 接包方 : Thesser 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96778
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-07


This is in essence similar to Apple's own Photos app or the Photo Browsing component in Three20, with one big difference -- this is generic in that you can use it to view image, animated image images, or basically any UIView-derived classes.

• Left/right swipe
• Standard interaction (Pinch zoom and double tapping for zoom in/out).  Tapping on screen brings up the to nav and bottom bar (like Photo app). Since the nav and bottom bars can be different for different apps, may be useful to have delegate methods available for customization. If nothing is provided, user of the component can choose to use enable/disable the default nav and bottom bar (top nav showing X of Y and bottom bar showing left and right arrows).
• Slide show mode (time to transition to next slide can be specified)
• Slide show transition time can be changed (via code is fine)
• There should be padding between photos (just like Apple's Photos app)
• Transitions - Ability to have custom transitions: sliding (default), page flip, alpha fade, etc.
For this release, it's ok to have the ability to choose sliding or page flip (via code).
•  Can switch between landscape/portrait mode
• Ability to turn on/off page mode. When page mode is on, swiping takes you to the next media. When page mode is off, swiping slides the whole strip.
•  Quick Browse - A strip that pops up from below that allows the users to quickly get to a particular media very quickly via a scrolling strip showing a series of thumbnails (similar to the behavior shown in Apple's Sample ScrollViewSuites).
• Simple comment or documentation indicating how to to enable/disable media interaction via code (i.e. enable/disable tap to bring up bar, enable/disable double tap zoom and pinch zoom)
• Flipbook mode - The browsing of media doesn't transition via sliding (or page flip), instead the next image plays on top of the current one so it looks like a flip book animation or animated gif.
• Ability to quickly browse to a particular page with optional animation (animated:YES/NO)
• Orientation lock

• Bundled assets
• Online datasource to get contents when there is no bundled contents or when there is updated contents) - e.g. iFolio, Bludzee

Initial test cases:
1) We can browse a series of images (for static comic browsing), we can browse a series of image sequences (for animated cartoon browsing) or a series of UIView-derived classes (for flash cards, quiz games, etc.)
2) We can browse a series of cards, and while viewing a card, we can flip it to view its back side.
3) We can browse data from online URLs, not just bundled assets.  It's ok to hard code the URLs.



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