所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg PHP/MySQL/AJAX Developer Needed: "Deal" website wi

PHP/MySQL/AJAX Developer Needed: "Deal" website wi 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Richard harris 接包方 : Iphonelab 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97120
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-13


Hello – I’m looking for an experienced PHP/MySQL developer to create a “hot deals” website application and backend management system.

The front end of the website will need to be designed in XHTML/CSS and PHP to generate the pages, but no special design is required – just needs to cleanly present information pulled from the database, and a few user interface objects.

The Front End:
The front page of the website is just a simple list of deals displayed in descending order from the time they were posted on the site (most recent deal at the top)– the site administrator will post a constant stream of deals (ex. Linking to a deal on amazon.com for a specific product).  The listing will include:
1) A picture of the product
2) A description of the product
3) A history link (when clicked, this will query a new page that displays a price history of this specific product, and all previous times it had been posted.)  
4) A count of the number of comments on the product (with click thru to the deal’s own page, with comments below complete deal description)
5) Date and Time Posted

Users will have to register to post – a very simple registration mechanism will have to be created.  E-mail address and password are the only two things that need to be collected.  System needs to send a verification e-mail to the user upon registering with unique key for address validation.  At that point, the user can “login” to the website using PHP Sessions, and can post comments on deals.

The ability to search all deals in the database by keyword.

The Administrative Backend:

- Password protected
- A simple one page dashboard that lists the number of deals, the number of users registered, number of comments posted.  I also need to see how many times each deal was clicked on.  So the deal link should redirect to something like mydomain.com/deals/3513535 which would then redirect to whatever link I put as the deal link in the backend.
A simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface on the backend for managing deals
- I want a splash of AJAX on the backend, so when the admin is adding a deal, there is a real-time search performed on the deal’s name database.  This is exactly similar to what Google does as its “suggestion” as you’re typing.  All this needs to do is query the database of previous deal names so it makes it easy for the admin to quickly see if a deal was previously posted.  If so, he would simply select that deal again, list the new price or deal details, then it would be recognized as a deal of the same product.  Thus, when the user clicks the history link (as described above) he will see a list of all listings of the product at their various prices.
- Need to post the deal headline, description, upload utility for product’s picture, deal link, and finally, time to post deal—either post immediately on the homepage as the latest deal, or schedule for release at a specific time.
- There is going to be a queue for deals to be posted.  The admin may wish to “load up” the system with multiple deals at a time and schedule them for release throughout the day.  I’m not sure what the best way to do this is yet, whether to set a specific date and time to post the deal, or to post the deal in X number of hours.  

Potentially more features – I’m interested to see what type of bids I get on this.  The interfaces can be very simple with extremely minimal design – just structure really for the pages.  I will provide examples of sites similar to this when I chose a specific candidate (there are tons all over the web).  
I’m really looking for a programmer with which I can develop a relationship for future projects.  If this goes well, there’s potential for a lot more down the road.  Look forward to talking with you.


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