所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg jquery + regex script to change url when clicked w

jquery + regex script to change url when clicked w 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helen garcia 接包方 : Kapilpearl 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97192
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Testing PHP
发布日期 : 2010-02-14


I recently made huge mistake and went with provider here at taskcity which ahd actually good rating, but I made mistake that I paid him, waited for him and actually closed the job before testing his script which doesn't work even if it costed me 3x more then what we agreed on.

So I need someone reliable, who can build this script FAST, without many questions, test it and show it to me when it's DONE. I am very busy person and if I have time I would code it myself but I don't have time to code/debug etc unfortunately.

Script itself should redirect clicks with $(this).attr('href') jquery code but like this based on which function is in use:

1) Redirect all external links, so all links starting with http(s) but not pointing to domain on which link is clicked on. There should be possibility to define filter array so I can define which external domains shouldn't be redirected

2) Redirect all internal links, so where href= parameter points to same domain, or it's domain or document relative. Exclude array here should be what files/folders from root of domain so for example if I input "videos|galleries|video/player.php" it won't affect domain.com/videos, domain.com/galleries, domain.com/video/player.php but it will affect domain.com/1/videos

3) Redirect some internal links so like all internal links exclude array but in this case it's include array, at least 1 array entry must be there

4) Redirect all links as it says it should redirect all links, but again I need exclude array to not redirect some external domains and another array to not redirect some internal files/folders like under 2) and 3)

There should be also generator for this.

I have partially done script from old coder who "did his job" and you can see it here: http://scriptpulse.com/tp/manual/generator.php

It will be more clear what exactly is needed. Skype is required.

I beg you not to waste my time with too high bids and if you can't do this, also I need person who exactly understand what is needed here and not just another man who will waste my time!!!



接包方 国家/地区
Kapilpearl (中标)


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