所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Countdown Timer- Simple iPhone App

Countdown Timer- Simple iPhone App 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : George peterson 接包方 : Emmaculate 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97253
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-02-15


I need a simple countdown timer- that allows user to input multiple countdown events AND assign a picture to each event AND there is also a dynamic message based on event category.  Pretty simple...

Example- One of the events could be a countdown to John's Birthday- the output is a countdown display (days remaining) which appears above a picture of John.


[EVENT NAME] (for example "John's Birthday Party")


[EVENT CATEGORY dropdown list] ( Birthday, Holiday, Wedding, Anniversary, Vacation, Other)

[Re-occuring Event] ( Yes or No ?) ( If Yes the event resets after the date has been met ans stays active-- if no the event ends the day after the event date is reached and becomes inactive - a birthday for example could be set as reoccuring)

[Email Me A Reminder] (Yes or No?) [Email Address]  ( 7 days before or 5 days before or 3 days before or 1 day before or day of?) Sends user an email- text to be provided

[Assign Image] (From Album OR Take New Photo)


This page displays the latest event- It shows the background image the user selected ando verlayed is the DAYS Left and The Event Name 


171 Days Until
John's Birthday Party 
(over a picture of John that the user selected)

At the bottom of the page the user can select "<" (goes to the previous event OR ">" ) (goes to the next event) or * (allows the user to EDIT the current event (brings them to a page similiar to the EVENT INPUT PAGE populated with the current event.

Events are displayed in the order that the event ending soonest appears first etc...

3) MAIN DASHBOARD PAGE (user goes to this page when app opens)

-- A few lines of static text to be provided. 
-- There will also be a dynamic PROMO area on this page. I will provide 12 SETs of promo text w/ links. Each set is just 2-3 sentences of text and a link. Each set will have a category name EQUAL to the EVENT CATEGORYS (Birthday, vacation etc). The app will need to randomly display a SET or promo text ONLY from the categorys the user has chosen for his events- with a default message to be provided if user hasn't created any events

EXAMPLE_ SO if the user has 2 events - Birthday and Vacation- the app will show one of the birthday promo SETs text provided -- and the next time the user opens the app it will show the vacation promo text .


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