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PHP Developer 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Margaret abel 接包方 : Gdinnovative 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97291
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-16


Highly organized English Speaking PHP developer. 
Must be proficient with XHTML (1.0 Strict), CSS (2.1), & able to execute table-less layouts.
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of PHP required. (PHP 5.2.5)
Must have prior experience with jQuery. (jQuery 1.4.1)
Able to build complex relationships between PHP and jQuery using Ajax functions such as $.post().
Some cross-browser knowledge required. Application will be for internal use, so no support for IE6 or below will be needed.
User interface experience is a plus. 
MySQL optimization experience is a plus.

Developer will be building an Intranet site for multiple employees to add and edit product prices and information for internal business use. Employees will be able to sort or search through these products based on various criteria, including product type, manufacturer, and product family. Products will be added to this site from a stand alone page. 

When viewing an individual product’s description and pricing information, employees may edit the information on-page. Actions that may be performed include adding additional part numbers, adding additional price types, and changing already set information like the main part number, manufacturer, and product family. Employees should also have access to view the history of each price type. For example, If a suggested retail price has changed 5 times over the course of three months, they should be able to click a history icon next to the current price to see a list of all of the previous prices and who set them.

List view may also need to be customizable, so that employees may choose which fields are displayed in their search results. 

There will be a total of around 5 PHP pages in the end, a boot strapper, list products page, add new product page, and a view/edit page, and maybe an external page to capture and process the AJAX posts. All editing should be done on-page using jQuery for the AJAX interactions. The database structure will be pre-built, however any input to optimize and improve performance is welcome. 

All jQuery functions would preferably be in external .js files to help maintain organization. Developer must be able to write jQuery without the use of jQueryUI or other 3rd party functions or plugins. Please no PHP libraries like CakePHP or pre-built templates like Joombla. Developer must be able to build a cleanly designed UI using XHTML Strict and CSS. Tableless design is preferred, again to maintain clean code and optimized loading times. Support for IE6 will not be required, since this is for internal use only.


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