发包方 : Philip smythe 接包方 : Illusiondesigners 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97449
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Joomla PHP Logo
发布日期 : 2010-02-19


I Need a Joomla expert that can deliver a website for me from scratch and very quickly.  It must integrate Virtuemart for a shopping cart.  I now have 4 people that have claimed to be Joomla experts and have accepted the job.  I also now have 4 people that have either not started the job or began and didn't continue.  This has put me behind on budget and time severely.  I will no longer pay hourly or put money up front.  I need a true expert that can complete the assignment, do it on time, have communication multiple times per day, show me progress, give me a completed project and then get paid.  I am including the exact scope of the job in the body of this letter.  Please look at it, decide if you can do it, how quickly you can do it and for how much you can do it.  You can contact me back through taskcity,  email of  paulcraig@usbuybid.com   or preferably through skype   id   is    pcraig71

I have to have this handled today 2-18-10 and I must know my project will be done.    I have only a few days to complete this task, so I need someone that can work only on this until finished. Oh, if you have a lot of problems with your internet connection please do not apply.  That seems to be a popular excuse as to why I get no communication and I won't deal with it.  It may sound like I am picky and hard to work with, but I assure you this is not the case.  I am just very discouraged with this whole taskcity process and the unreliability of the providers so far.

Here is the scope:

• I will use the power point I sent you as my point of reference in this text.
• I like the color scheme I have in the power point.
• You can see a sample at http://www.dealershield.net   before I take the time to send power point.  This is just a simple page, but it shows my style of background and logo.
• I will email you my logo 
• The buttons on the web pages need to be cooler (look better- higher tech)
• The big button on the first page will link to the second page
• The other buttons at the bottom of the first page link to the appropriate pages
• On the second page the buttons down the left will link to the appropriate  service or product description page.
• On the bottom right of all pages a we need  buttons to take them back to the home page and to email us. 
• I would also like the logo to be clickable and linked back to the home page
• I need the text areas of every page to be easily changeable by me in the event I want wording or spelling changed
• From a product description page if they click on a purchase now button it needs to link to a terms of agreement page.  
• The terms of agreement boxes need to be easy for me to change the text in as things change.
• I would like these boxes to look like a standard terms of agreement boxes on other websites like the one at this link
http://www.windowsreinstall.com/win7professional/windows7upgradeguides/images/li cience.jpg
or this link
• Once they have clicked on a box saying they have read and accept the guidelines, terms and conditions they need to be linked to a page that has a form on it for them to fill out.
• This form needs to be easy to change as I grow.
• The form will gather needed information to set up inspections.  Things like buyer name, phone, address, sellers, name, phone, address, vehicle Vin, make model etc.  I will supply all blank descriptions needed for the forms.
• We will have about 3 different forms for now.
• Once they have filled out the form and click submit they need to go to a check out shopping cart form that takes their card info and processes it for the correct price.
• Once payment is approved they need to be taken to a printable invoice screen that gives a date and time on the invoice so they can print it out for their records.  OR an email receipt can be sent to them with at date and time stamp.
• At the same time the system needs to email the form to my specified email account so I can fill the order.
• The shopping cart needs to be linked and working with my chase merchant account


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