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Money Games 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Barbara anthony 接包方 : Rungtainfotech 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97795
项目预算 : $500-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-27



I'm using this project to find a great programmer!

I have an unlimited amount of work available - I just need to find someone who is a perfectionist, takes pride in their work and builds me amazing (and secure) things!

In general - I need an all round programmer.

But for this project, flash will probably yield the best results. Though there is potential for javascript etc.

I don't mind which - just build me something cool!

For the trial project I want you to build me a standard single player BLACKJACK gambling game - that can plugin to an existing website.

> Design

> Functionality

> Security

> Integration to existing website (has its own balance, user history etc)

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I'm looking to do here. Ultimately I want you to create me an unlimited number of 'money games'. Some of these will be straight up gambling games (as per this trial project). But later on I envisage much bigger things here...

I want to build games with skill elements.

Tournament type things.

Competitive two player games; the winner of the 'heads up battle' takes home the prize pool sorta thing.

And really long term; I want to build games that require 'user investment'. Then through gameplay, strategy, time and interaction users unlock the returns on their investment to make a profit. (Or if they play badly, a loss).

Anyway.. if you come to work with me - you'll quickly discover that I have too many ideas! I'll bombard you with new thoughts on a daily basis! I need you to make them come to life. I already have one programmer who does the basic / core stuff - but I need someone who knows what they're doing making games. And who is either talented with javascript or flash. I don't mind which.

Talk to me please!

I am willing to pay for quality.

This blackjack thing is just something to test your talents and that doesn't require a 10,000 word specification! The real novel ideas i'll set you on right after this!

But I need people with time, talent and good communication.


Jo :)


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