所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone - Cache map tile data with .gpx file.

iPhone - Cache map tile data with .gpx file. 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Karen peters 接包方 : Jennhowell 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98142
项目预算 : $1,200
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access PHP iPhone C
发布日期 : 2010-03-04


Read this description carefully.  If you do not follow my directions when you apply, I will reject you immediately.

Project Description:
We are looking for someone to create a small map based project that accomplishes these goals:

1. A way to display a map with a path(.gpx file) on the iphone
2. A way to cache the map tile images so you can use them offline.
Note, we are not expecting to use Google maps, because routing data would seem to break their license. Advise if you know otherwise.
We will probably use something like this to display the map(since we know we would like to cache the map later and this is not supported with google maps):


The point of displaying the map and your current location is to know where you are on the trail and avoid getting lost when following a path(.gpx file).  

A way to cache the map tiles so you can use them offline

The interesting part will be getting the data to cache in a meaningful way so you can access it while disconnected( a lot of times our users don't have good reception when outdoors ).  What this will probably mean for us is working out an algorithm that takes a given set of points( a gpx file) and caches all the tile images associated with that path(at various different zoom levels)

Factor these 2 points into your bid.

Your bid should describe these things:
1. What 3rd map product you recommend using and why
2. Your relevant mapping experience(if any) on the iphone
3. Any related iphone projects.
4. Your willingness to produce unit tested code(you can include this as a separate item if it increases the bid)

Do not reply without these, I will reject you.

A piece of sample code (any sample objective c++ class that I can check for style) will be requested in an interview.



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