所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Drupal based Web Portal

Drupal based Web Portal 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Kevin smith 接包方 : Mac_developer 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98948
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-09


The portal should have the following features customised using Drupal

1. News/Updates
A. Ability to add, edit and delete news. Leading five [flexible] news items should be displayed on the home page.
B. News can be searched by date, place and type[education, power, law etc]

2. Tenders

A. Ability to add, edit and delete tenders. Leading five [flexible] tender items should be displayed on the home page.
B. Tender can be searched by date, place[This is important segregation based on states], type [education, power, law etc]

3. Articles and Write-ups

A. Ability to add, edit and delete articles. Leading ten[flexible] articles/write-ups to be displayed on the home page.
B. Articles/Write-ups can be of two types: In-house and External Reference
C. In-house articles will be long with ability to store the images, author/s, date of publishing and reference keywords.
D. Search option to be based on author/s, date of publishing and reference keywords.
E. External Reference write-ups to open on “New Tab”

4. Interviews

A. Ability to add, edit and delete Interviews. Leading five[flexible] interviews to be displayed on the home page.
B. Interviews can be of two types: In-house and External Reference
C. In-house interviews will be long with ability to store the images, person interviewed, date of interview and reference keywords.
D. Search option to be based on person interviewed, date of interview and reference keywords.
E. External Reference interview to open on “New Tab”

5. Company Directory

A. Company information structure: Name, address, regional offices, contact persons with mobile numbers, company description[300 words max], company logo[optional], keywords [This structure can change also]
B. Ability to add, edit and delete company information.

The design theme of the portal will be selected from the existing designs available on the web either paid or free [To be discussed later]


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