所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Secured Pages and Admin Area

Secured Pages and Admin Area 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Philip 接包方 : Du4durocher 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99079
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-13



I have a website and I need you to create 2 things:

- a secured members area;

- an admin area.

Secured Members Area:

In my website, I sell an online product. When people buy it, they should be redirected to a page where they place their name, email, and choose their username and password in order to enter in the secured area (all fields are required). Once they register, they access all the pages (there are several), and they must all be secured. If they close the window for example, and want to re-enter in the members area, they should place the username and password again; if they close their browser, the same should happen. All this pages that should be secured are under the same folder in my server.

So, you need to create a form for people to register and a form for people to log in, besides protecting all pages.

Admin Area:

This should be a page created by you. I honestly don't care about the design. It may be a table with some rows, columns and buttons. What I need to have here is all my members' information (name, email, username, password, and when they bought the product). I should be able to edit any of the fields, add a new member or even delete a member.

I believe the best option for this is to create a MySQL database where I have all members stored.

So, as soon as someone buys my product and they get to the register page to enter their name, email, preferred username and password, and fill all the data, this new member should automatically appear in this admin section.

If you have good knowledge about php or MySQL, you won't have any problems doing this project. If possible, please show me some of your previous work so that I can see what you're capable off.

Please let me know exactly how much time this project may take.

Thank you.


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