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Software + php modifications 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Mark anthony 接包方 : Syntecx 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99088
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-13



I'm looking for someone who can create for me professional looking software for PC.

1. What that software should do?

It should remember all application's and websites that user entered while program was running, randomly make screenshot's and save time (how long application was running each time).

Then those info have to be send directly to webserver (it can't be saved on users PC).

2. How does it look like from user side?

User open program, he have to login with details from website, and choose 'operator'. After that software goes to tray, and user can only check timer, shut down or log out from the system.

User can see only operator's who choose him to their program (and when operator reject user then he can't log into or even see his program).

Operator can see (on website) info that was saved while user was logged into ONLY his program, so operator1 can't see info for operator2 even if the same user joined to their program.

I've got php script that will have to be a bit configured for this software.

It's easy job, even I can create something like that in Delphi ,but It have to have modern look, so I'm looking for someone with experience. It can be written in any language like Python or visual basic, C++ delphi . Don't worry about language it will be changed too, so it doeasn't matter from which part of the world you are.

(Sorry for my poor english, if you have any questions PM me)


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