所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Card Creator for IPhone

Card Creator for IPhone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Fiona white 接包方 : Teamsp 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99262
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : UI Design Logo iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-03-17


Provide people with the ability to customize, preview and order customized printed materials from their portable device. 
Beginning with announcements and invitations.

Customers will be able to use this iPhone app to select and customize cards from templates using this app. The resulting image will then be able to be purchased as a printed card or sent as an e-card.

The included document gives the visual outline for the app. functional requirements and specifications and an example of how the data is currently stored.

** For those invited to bid from previous posting: We clarified the spec and updated the information to provide better information for your bid.

============== From included document ===========

The card blanks will be provided as jpg backgrounds.
Each card will be designed so the user adds and crops a photo to the photo space provided (there may be more than one photo, there may also be no photo)
photo chosen from images on camera
The user needs to be able to edit text on the card and change its size, color, font and nudge the text in different directions.
App must load/update and save card images and definitions (card size, background image, element locations, default color size ext from the internet)
Cards must be able to be saved and edited later.
Saved cards can be emailed as ecards
Saved cards can be uploaded to our site as hi-res images (1425x1650) or depending on the card (1500x2100) and a https connection made in an in an in-app browser window to allow the purchase of the cards as printed products. (you do not need to build this part but we will accept bids as part of a different project.) When the art is uploaded to the https server it also needs to pass info about the item that is being set up
We will be upgrading this app for the ipad.
We will provide branding colors and logo.
Design browsing will be by hierarchy Such as baby>birth announcements or wedding>save the date or home>moving announcements
Fonts: need to figure out fonts are they sent with the app, the card or an update. Are TTF fonts okay?
e-card needs to have bar added to bottom of image with copyright text and branding.

Example work flow:
- customer browses designs and picks a design
- on design info page is description and a customize card button
- on the customize the customer is presented with the card background, a place for the photo or photos is on the design and so are the places for the text.
- customer taps on text element to edit that element
- taps on the photo inset or replace the photo with one from their library, with mask and scale.
- saves card
- then can see saved card and can email as free e-card or upload and purchase as printed card.


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