所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg [iPhone] Offline database of restrooms/bathroom...

[iPhone] Offline database of restrooms/bathrooms/toilets 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Michelle kirby 接包方 : Aalasolutions 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99482
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-23


The main feature of the app is that it is an OFFLINE (locally installed on the user's iPhone/iPod touch) database of restrooms. Taking this into account, the app should be based on the SQLite database which automatically updated when user is online.

Following functionality should be available all the time. If a user is offline, the information is stored on his/her device and will be sent to the server when the user is online.
* Users can rate each restroom place (1-5 stars, like apps rating in the App Store)
* Users can add a new restroom place and provide the following information about it:
- [REQUIRED] Nearest metro (underground/subway) stations -- custom selector (to be determined).
- Name / title
- Address
- [checkbox] I am currently located close to the restroom place (if checked use user's current location used as a location of a new restroom place)
- Picture from iPhone camera
- Comments
- Rating

Functionality available only when user is online:
* Show restroom places on the Google map
* Picture of a restroom place (all text information is stored in the local DB, but NOT the pictures).

Important notes:
* I need an iPhone/iPod touch app only (all server-side scripts I will implement by myself). I will provide the structure of sample server's responces.
* The app interface should support any number of languages (however for the this project English language is required only). The interface and data retrieved from DB should reflect current user's interface.
* I don't require an amazing design -- it will be a free app.
* Since I will modify the code by myself, the high-quality application source code is very important for me:
- It should be well documented (contain comments)
- Should not contain huge functions (any function should fit a single screen).

Existing apps that can be used as a reference:
* Where to wee -- more or less what I want
* Whizzer
* SitOrSquart
* Restroom/bathroom/toilet finder

Programmer shall have knowledge and experience in programming apps for iPhone and SQLite (list of already developed apps available on App store would be the best reference).

All rights remain with me. The app should be developed within 1 month. To encourage the developer, I can pay 50% at the start of the project and the rest 50% after successful project completion. After the project completion I need a source code of the app only. The app should NOT be posted on App Store -- I will post it by myself.


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