所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Complete re-build of our web site

Complete re-build of our web site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Kenneth white 接包方 : Kmay 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99606
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-25


We are an international manpower company that have offices at several countries. we give services of recruitment, placement and training of all kinds of workers. We also give service for international education programs for students that want to study and work out side their home land. Our current web site is www.beneploy.com.

This project is to completely rebuild our web site and will include promotion of this web site. The web site we have now is very dole and not up to date with regards to all aspects and we have decide to rebuild our web site to be at the most up date technologies and to be ready with all the tools that are present to support the possibilities to promote it at the different web search engines.

The project is long time , not less then 6 month long and with a possibility to turn to be a retainer basis. The service provider that will be selected will be one that will be able to present proven ability to get into such kind of relationship and to present references that can be verified. We will select only service provider that is able to supply the entire package from initial design up to complete promotion campaign. WE WILL NOT SPLIT THE PROJECT TO SEVERAL CONTRACTORS.

In order to get the project the service provider will have to present a VERY DETAILED plan with time table and mile stones and budget for each step. The program will have to include the proper documentation for each step. Each step have to have the proper outcome that the service provider will have to present, if it at the stage of design and if it is at the stage of promoting. We will have ZERO tolerance for delay along the implementation of the program after it will be agreed!!!

The working plan that will be presented for this will have to include distinctive stages and each step will have full details of action items and time table and the desired results… again, we will be very strict for sticking to the plan after it will be agreed. To the plane that you will provide you will have to give also the links of the web sites that you browse in order to get ideas.

As for general understanding the parts of the work that we see are as following:

1. Market research.
2. Key word research.
3. Design concept.
4. Complete design
5. Build the site – has to have dynamic CMS , of course.
6. Text writing.
7. Complete promotion of the web site.

Some important guide lines:

1. We are an manpower agency and not job board. We collect people and invite them to our office , interview them and only then offer them a job.
2. We want to put emphasis on the social point of view. Getting people to sign up with us and so on…
3. We want to activate social tools at our web site.
4. We are operation at the following places: recruiting people – India. Nepal , Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Philippine, Moldova, Poland, Ukraine. Placement – USA, UK, Canada, Australia
5. We would like to attract traffic to our web site from several sectors: employer that are looking for international candidates, staffing agencies that are looking for good candidates. Educational institute that are looking to get international students. Prospective workers , people that are looking for international employment, people that are looking for international education possibilities. Recruiting agencies that are looking for partners to present their candidates.

Thanks , Dagan


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