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web developer immediate start 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Maria 接包方 : Nextivesolutions 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99902
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP
发布日期 : 2010-04-01


I need the following features added to a custom made system i already have in php. this needs to be done asap.



I need a module added where I can input a students details . I would do this after im informed someone had bought a course. I input there details, once I have the following things happen.


Each week on a Thursday night an invoice is sent with the total amount I charge my employer plus an email is sent to the student with their registration details. So an account is created for them to submit their work. 



The invoice must have my address


(Address here)

the invoice number which must change each time an invoice is sent.


The invoice must be sent every Thursday evening at 5 PM British time


each course is invoice at £40 per course except for

personality disorder


I will e-mail you an example of an invoice. Please use this as a template.



In regards to the student this is what must happen…..


In the admin area I am to be able to register a student using much of the same information (address here) from here. The only difference is where it says the student username this must be pre-filled with the students first name and first letter of their surname . Example mine would be joshuac. 


Also in the password field visits the system must generate this automatically. 


The system will then also need to recognise how much money each course needs to be invoiced for. So that on Thursday the invoice will be correct. 


A new email template area will need to be designed for the registration email for people I have registered myself. 




At the moment a student receives a message saying they cant use the system because there support has expired (they only have one year to complete their course) I want this to change where paypal sends them an invoice to pay the £50 charge for a further years support or an invoice is sent and instructions are sent to them asking for payment. 



The system must recognise when the students complete their course and then not send them invoices. The students who have a complete their course they must receive an invoice every month until it's paid. There must be somewhere for us to record this. Such as when we update their support date the system recognises they are up-to-date.




When a student submits an assignment from  marking it must appear on a user dashboard with status updates as following


Awaiting feedback

Feedback received

After ten days from the date of submission it changes to feedback overdue




Prevent two students from registering with the same student number




students get an automated email when they upload their work for marking. Basically all it would say is thank you for your submission of assignment what ever (depends on what they called the file or uploaded it as. Then it would say you will receive feedback within the next 10 days. 


6) check to see if the system is working with this – When a student submits there work they must do so in order. Like assignment 1 then 2 etc etc they cant submit assignment 4 first then 1 then two. They must be submitted in order. Also they cant submit another assignment until feedback is received from their last. So they cant submit assignment 6 until they have feedback for assignment 5.


6) ensure that if a student takes more than one course the system can handle this. So I may take a counselling course and a mental health one together both with separate student numbers. Or maybe the same. Does the system allow this. ?


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