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Drupal webservice module for an energy comparison website 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Jessica kirk 接包方 : Impactwebdesign 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99904
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-01


This project entails building a:
1) energy comparison search form;
2) result set page and;
3) result cost details page (for each energy supplier)
for a Dutch energy comparison site, build in Drupal.

We are looking for a coder that can implement this webservice module, and if this project goes well can
also implement other of our 'webservices modules'. The other projects will use the same webservice, only
use different functions of it. Therefore the basics of this module can be reused for the other webservices

Examples about how the above products should look like can be found on this model website:
1) energy comparison search form: http://www.prizewize.nl/energie/vergelijk_energie/Default.aspx
2) result set page: http://www.prizewize.nl/energy/results/0/4263/3543EC/1443/1
3) result cost details page: http://www.prizewize.nl/energy/
details.aspx?energyproductid=1001054&gasproductid=24920&ActiveTab=3& offpeak=0&peak=4263&postcode=3543EC&gasconsumption=
Thus, this website needs to be cloned, using drupal as the CMS.

The data of the different energy suppliers (products, prices, contract type etc.) can be invoked from an
exernal database through SOAP/Webservices.

All the necessary documentation (i.e. the technical description of the webservice) as well as the
necessary permissions in order to access the webservice is available.

The most important aspect of above, is that the provided solution as flexible as possible. The deliverables
should not be 'hard-coded' in a specific part of the CMS but made available - for example - in a module
where the administrator has a certain level of freedom on how the interface of the search form and result
pages is displayed. One concrete requirement in this context is that the "energy comparison search form"
is made available as a Drupal 'block', and we hope the results page can be configured as a Drupal View.
The module to be build should furthermore be relatively 'independent' of the data; so that it can be reused
for other websites that - for example - compare insurance contracts using data from the same database
as mentioned above. Please assess and
propose a fitting solution.

For the SOAP connection we use the Apache SOAP extention, and connect to the webservices API like
$client = new SoapClient('http://example.com');
$client->authenticate(12345, '987654321');
We will be providing detailed webservices API documentation with the methods it provides explained.

Please advice on how the energy search form and result pages can be integrated in Drupal, and generate
a milestone proposal, here's one you can use as an example:
1) basic settings page + basic search form
2) energy comparison search form (as a page, or possibly right away as ablock) and basic result set page
3) result cost details page for each energy supplier finished
4) input form as a block, finetuning, finalizing project.

We like clean and documented code following these standards

We will pay 60% of the bid in the end, and two times 20% at milestones during the project. 

You can
include in your proposal a time for these payment milestons, for example at functionality milestone 2 and 3.


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Impactwebdesign (中标)


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