智城识别ID 10665
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 SQLServer MySQL Jme Tomcat Apache Android iPhone Blackberry Symbian WindowsMobile


14 年多前上传

portfolio title

Anti Theft is the Application which provides security to your mobile. When device
having this application is stolen / lost then user can protect his sensitive data like
photo, video, contacts etc and also recover your lost mobile.
SMS Activation: You can send SMS to your own mobile and activate the application.
You can also activate the service by a key combination.
Password Protection: All the Data and Images are protected under a unique
Keypad Lock: You can lock the keypad in the application. So unauthorized person
cannot use the mobile for destructive purposes.
Freeze the Device: You can freeze the device once the application is activated. If
user tries to change settings, a siren will be raised to alarm the owner.
SMS Reporting: When SIM is changed the application sends the SMS to the
reporting contact.
In theft Mode it will report the events like SMS Received or sent, any call received or
made, if contact is added.
Listen thief conversation: You can call from any number mentioned in the address
book. Application will recognize this event in a theft mode, and pick the call. This way
you can listen to what the thief is speaking at that time.
Retrieve the contacts: You can retrieve the contacts in theft mode via sms or Vcard.