智城识别ID 32478
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL Drupal CSS PHP Mac OS X Android iPhone Linux iPad HTML


2011 11 09 113052

华丽的各种鸡尾酒展示网页 (3P)

接近 13 年前上传
description: drupal + flash


为某公司开发的网上商城 (1P)

接近 13 年前上传
网站地址: www.tongqu.com.cn


某医疗公司研究者交流网站 (2P)

接近 13 年前上传
功能包括中英文双站,个人博客,多媒体视频 等


Planningplanet is... (3P)

接近 13 年前上传
Description: Planningplanet is a social network project located in England. PP provide a lot of services, project planning, design, requirements collection and recruitment. Technical Terms: Drupal...


Marketing site fo... (1P)

接近 13 年前上传
Description: Marketing site for Achevx. Technical Terms: Drupal + English & Arabic. Project Cost: $3000 ~ $4000, 3 engineers, 0.5 month. DEMO URL: http://demo.vipecho.com/achevx/(demo/demo)


This is an online... (2P)

接近 13 年前上传
Description: This is an online publishing platform. Technical Terms: Drupal + Multi-language support + Twitter & Facebook integrated. Project Cost: around $6,000, 4 engineers, 1.5 months. DEMO U...