智城识别ID 35527
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 C++ iPhone C iPad


Mzl.rmroheee.175x175 75

膳食营养元素 (0P)

接近 13 年前上传
各种食物中营养元素的含量,以及营养元素的作用。The contain of nutrition of every food,and their function改进网页显示一直提示的错误.Ignore some alerts that is not needed

Mzm.mnfmuprr.175x175 75

成3棋 (0P)

接近 13 年前上传
参加试玩网点评活动,赢取免费下载机会。http://www.shiwan.com/z/cheng3qi棋类游戏,成3棋,80后一代的经典回忆。最适合孩子和父母对下,益智而不失乐趣。规则是3子连成一线即可吃掉对方一颗子,但被吃子不能在成3的3颗中,当一方无棋可走或者棋子数少于3时,游戏结束。A chess that is interesting called to be three chess...

Mzl.pzhyoqty.175x175 75

Art Collections (0P)

接近 13 年前上传
A review of 50 private collection spaces for contemporary artNew link address in mail

Mzl.slnudgfa.175x175 75

Wine Cellars (0P)

接近 13 年前上传
The most beautiful wine cellars in the world provides a unique perspective on the most beautiful, impressive and atmospheric cellars through which many a wine enthusiast would gladly be allowed to ...

Mzl.hnphknqj.175x175 75

生活实用查询 (0P)

接近 13 年前上传