智城识别ID 35830
承接项目数 1
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL JavaScript Python Nginx Android iPhone Linux Phone Gap Html5 WeiXin Apps


Mzl.nbumkisd.175x175 75

乐看 (0P)

12 年多前上传

Mzl.czumpyiz.175x175 75

China Talent (0P)

12 年多前上传
China Talent is the official iOS app for one of the most successful live TV shows, China Talent. It features the latest news, events, pix, videos and much more. Go check it out!.中国达人秀官方手机应用是国内第一款将当...

Mzi.kcxfjrmo.175x175 75

Han's The Lost Myth (0P)

12 年多前上传
Han's Lost Myth (The Game) is perfect for photo-hunt-puzzle-game lovers. Take the challenge while enjoying the comics!In the twenty-first century AD, a little boy named Han coincidentally found the...

Mzl.ttadrzjd.175x175 75

H1N1FluRadar (0P)

12 年多前上传
A resourceful app that keep you updated with the latest H1N1 flu information around the world. ** Features **A map view of the latest H1N1 outbreaks worldwide.Check the latest flu info around YOU.H...

Mzl.otgpvzwx.175x175 75

Salad Park (Learn... (0P)

12 年多前上传
Salad Park (Learn Chinese) is the right app to learn Mandarin for your kids, and your whole family!LEARN BY VIDEOSYou learn the most commonly-used Chinese words and phrases as you laugh out loud at...

Mzl.drybzjly.175x175 75

发动奇迹 (0P)

12 年多前上传
还在对着镜子想要不要换个发型?还在纠结想剪短发万一跟脸型不搭? “咔嚓”一刀剪下去可就没有回头路了啊,亲!有些坑爹发型师乱推荐发型神马的最坑爹了有木有?国内第一款换发体验APP《发动奇迹》来啦!在这里您将获得史上最强大的换“发”体验,12位天才美发师最时尚最新潮的30款作品任你挑选,通过神奇的人脸识别技术,你可以轻松体验任何一款你心水的3D发型,绝对真实立体,体验完成记得赶紧按个快门,发到微...

Mzl.obssqkfx.175x175 75

Let's Date (0P)

12 年多前上传