智城识别ID 40917
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Access SQLServer MySQL SQL SQLite Android iPhone Symbian iPad Html5


Mzl.gnkqoihu.175x175 75
12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥100,000-¥150,000

Trade Show Results Multiplier – Standard

Get more done at your next trade show. This powerful productivity tool will work at any trade show, without having to download a special app for the conference or event you are attending. Imagine yourself during the last hour of your conference, touching a button (on the app) and emailing yourself a complete action plan of all your results as well as a PowerPoint presentation of everything you achieved.Please try the free version of our app and please consider purchasing the professional version, which has the emailing capabilities for your data.No need to collect bags of samples and hundreds of business cards. This app and your built in camera are the ultimate idea capture tool for your next conference. Walk your next convention with just your smart device and get more done than ever before.Your detailed action plan and a PowerPoint presentation are waiting in your inbox when you arrive back home. View your data when logging onto our website at http://www.tradeshowresultsmultiplier.com. Please watch the video on our home page.Different sections of the app include: planning before you leave, walking the convention floor, detailed to do Items, keeping track of company's, taking notes at strategic meetings, and educational seminars. There is also a section for taking notes on field visits. Robust photo association: photo's become "associated" with the companies and contacts where they were taken. As you enter information during the convention, you presort all your information on a scale of 1 to 10 so the app keeps track of what is most important to you.Here's the best part of the professional version of the app: At the end of your conference, at the touch of a button, email yourself (or anyone) an individual To Do item or an entire list of all your To Do Items, based on your pre-sorted level of importance. It gets even better. At the touch of a button, email yourself a PowerPoint presentation of all your results from the convention. You will be a superstar back at the home office when you give this presentation to your colleagues, and it will all be generated with the touch of a button.Special note to Trade Show Organizers. This entire app can be customized for your next event. Please see our website for details on how to get your customized version of this app on the app store for your attendees.