智城识别ID 4855
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL Facebook Flash Java NotNet Apache Nginx Linux Windows Server


Chain reaction
接近 15 年前上传


Chain-Reaction provided end-to-end solution to major American insurance company’s customer agent needs

Customer needed to replace its aging agent support infrastructure with modern, web 2.0 based version

Very large dataset with more than 45 million records and daily, sometimes real-time reports
Diverse set of interfaces necessary with existing customer portal and external lead generation service
National Roll-out with 6 zones, 2000+ agents and migration of 45 million rows of data

Chain-Reaction developed a three tier, hi-availability infrastructure to specifically meet the scalability and reliability needs of the client
Chain-Reaction developed a rolling migration plan to migrate the 45 million records and insured the smooth transition of the agents across five US regions as well as Canada
Chain-Reaction created detailed requirement docs as well as test cases to facilitate knowledge exchange

Site developed and rolled out to more than 2000 agents under 5 months, handles more than 1000 orders a day ever since
Cost saving – customer saved more than 70% of the cost from developing the system in America
Internal Efficiencies – practices and documentation developed through this project has been used in other migration projects for the customer, and the customer reports that as a result of working with Chain-Reaction, their teams have become more process focused and better able to meet quality and schedule commitments