智城识别ID 48730
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Photoshop CSS JavaScript PHP Apache 3D Max Illustrator WordPress Linux HTML


En progetto big
接近 11 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 月
项目报价 : ¥20,000-¥25,000


Photoshop/Illustrator设计初稿,基于wordpress编写主题模板,同时提供丰富的主题设置功能。 show:http://tianjinhongjiu.com/ Technical Support:http://aiwei.us Compatible Browsers :IE6,IE7,IE8, IE9, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Firefox 4, Safari 4, Safari 5, Opera, Chrome / Software Version:WordPress 3.4 / Working Contact form / Cross Browser support / SEO optimized / Advanced Theme Options Panel

意大利著名建筑设计公司,总部设在米兰,同时在罗马,雅典,天津和北京设有分公司或者办事处。 在城市规划,建筑设计,室内设计等方面具有极其丰富的国际经验。 国际知名大型公司如可口可乐,佳能,费拉里,家乐福,欧莱雅等等都曾是我们的客户。 目前公司以北京和天津为基地,积极拓展在中国的业务,欢迎有识之士加入我们的团队,共同创造更加辉煌的成绩。 Progetto CMR (Beijing) was established by Italian Architect Massimo Roj to provide consultancies in the field of Integrated design. Progetto CMR (Beijing) is the Chinese subsidiary of Progetto CMR Integrated, the largest Italian design company, with headquarters in Milan and offices in Rome,Athens, Barcelona,Istanbul, Dubai.Integrated design has always been the strength of the Company’s approach, which can rely on a team of 150 professionals. Moreover, Progetto CMR is the Italian partner of European Architects Network, the Network members work together to offer integrated and harmonized services in any country.

En progetto big
波捷特(北京)建筑设计顾问有限公司 中英文网站制作
Zh progetto big
波捷特(北京)建筑设计顾问有限公司 中英文网站制作