智城识别ID 9658
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 0级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 OsCommerce MySQL Java Joomla AJAX PHP XML Oracle


14 年多前上传

portfolio title

Prestigious clients:

August, 2009 The Peace Corps chooses American Infotech Solutions Inc. (AIS) as primary support for Operations and Maintenance of the Odyssey Oracle Federal Financials System.

June, 2009 Triumph College Admissions (TCA) chooses American Infotech Solutions Inc. (AIS) as primary support for IT development and maintenance.

September, 2008 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chooses American Infotech Solutions Inc. (AIS) as primary support to lead Oracle BI Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) planning, development, testing and implementation, as part of the FDA's vision for Enterprise Reporting.

March, 2008 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chooses American Infotech Solutions Inc. to lead Oracle Financials upgrade, as part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) United Financial Management System (UFMS).