所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Japanese Link building project

Japanese Link building project 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Patricia peterson 接包方 : Iprog 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102429
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SEO C
发布日期 : 2010-05-22


This project is for one way links placed on sites / pages in Japanese language. The links must be placed on pages that are in Japanese.

Looking for the following Type links, If you are able to supply any of these links, list the quantity and price per links for each:

a) all links must be SEO Friendly

b) all link placed in japanese language

c) all links are "Do-Follow"

d) all links to be live for 90 days minimum

This project is for the Travel / Hotel Industry

1. Blog Posts, on a blog that hosts both English and Japanese or just Japanese, my post must be in Japanese. Home Page must be a PR2 minimum and a home page link to the archive.


2. Blog comments on a blog that host both English and Japanese or just japanese, my post must be in Japanese. Page the Comment is placed on must have a minimum Page rank of PR1

3. Directory Link, Guaranteed Placements, Not submission service.I need directory sites that host both English and Japanese or just Japanese. I need sub page (deep) links for this project, I also do need Home page links for other projects. Minimum Home Page rank is a PR2

4. Article Directory, Guaranteed Placements, Not submission service.I need directory sites that host both English and Japanese or just Japanese. I will furnish translated Article with two (2) links in the footer. Minimum Home Page rank is a PR2

5. Forum Links, I need Forum sites that host both English and Japanese or just Japanese. Relevancy is key you can use signature as anchor text. Minimum Home Page rank is a PR2

6. Social bookmarks, I need social bookmark sites that host both English and Japanese or just Japanese. Bookmark must be Public and not require a log-in to view.

7. Social Media Links, Links placed as a comment on a Ranking Social site / Page Like a Hubpage, Squidoolense, ning and must be in japanese language. Must have been cached in last 30 days and Relevant to page.

8. Permanent Style One way links, I need sites that host both English and Japanese or just Japanese. Relevancy is key. Minimum Page rank of page link is placed on is PR1

I don't want bids from you if you can not guaranty placements, I do not want submission services.

Don't Bid if you can't do the job and do it on time.

Must furnish excel report with anchor text used, Targeted URL used, URL of actual page link is placed to and date placement was approved live.


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