所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg vBulletin Skin / Template for Fine Wine Website

vBulletin Skin / Template for Fine Wine Website 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : William davis 接包方 : Iphonedevelopment 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 104052
项目预算 : $750-1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-07-17


Request for a Proposal:

Website Based “Fine Wines” website built on on vBulletin (4.0.4 Rev 1) software Platform.

Proposal Request for Website vBulletin Skin / Template for CMS Publishing Suite 4.0.4 Release 1 and higher.

I seek a graphic Designer to create a custom, cohesive (across CMS, Blog, and Board), elegant, & upscale skin for vBulletin 4.0.4 Publishing Suite. Demographic are MALES and FEMALES age 26 to 55 with an income level of over $80K USD / Year with disposable income.

Domain name will be provided when awarded.



This project includes logo design for skin / template. Our expectations are that the logo is designed first, and approved before skin development has begun to reduce the time to market (it would be pointless to develop an undesirable logo and skin to have to rework the skin).

Unlimited revisions of Logo would be required. Logo must include a Trademark signature – ™ - .

Final Logo would need to be delivered in High Resolution in a compressed ZIP file in the following formats.

Color Versions:

• PANTONE Color Codes in Text File used in Logo
• Fonts Used in Logo
• AI Format
• EPS Format
• GIF Format (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• JPG High Resolution Format
• PNG Format
• PSD Format
• PDF Format (Centered)

Black on White Version:

• AI Format
• EPS Format
• GIF Format (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• JPG High Resolution Format
• PNG Format
• PSD Format
• PDF Format (Centered)

White on Black Version:

• AI Format
• EPS Format
• GIF Format (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• JPG High Resolution Format
• PNG Format
• PSD Format
• PDF Format (Centered)

Greyscale Version:

• AI Format
• EPS Format
• GIF Format (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• JPG High Resolution Format
• PNG Format
• PSD Format
• PDF Format (Centered)

iPad, iTouch, and iPhone ICONS:

The Apple ICON design would also require that you develop Apple mobile Device Icons for the following:

The Apple Icons must follow exactly the specifications provided by Apple, Inc. Specifications can be found here.

- http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html


• Application icon
• App Store icon
• Small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended)
• Document icon (recommended for custom document types)
• Web Clip icon (recommended for web applications and websites)
• Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional)
• Tab bar icon (optional)
• Launch image (required)

APPLE ICON Color Versions Delivered to me in:

• PANTONE Color Codes in Text File used in Logo
• Fonts Used in Logo
• AI Format
• EPS Format
• GIF Format (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• JPG Format
• PNG Format
• PSD Format
• PDF Format (Centered)


The logo design would also require that you develop Droid mobile Device Icons for the following:
• Launcher
• Menu
• Status Bar
• Tab
• Dialog
• List View

The Android ICONS must follow exactly the specifications provided by Android. Specifications can be found here.

- http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html


A “favicon” will be required for the site. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon


We currently run version 4.0.4 release 1 of the vBulletin Publishing Suite (http://www.vbulletin.com/). The design must be compatible with this version of vBulletin or higher.

Only designers with experience with customization of vBulletin at this version level (4.0.4 will be considered), so please provide examples of your work. Unlimited different concepts of the skin may be required until one is settled on, then fine tuning of the final and selected skin will be required.

Your design must be CSS compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. We are aware of the CSS limitations of IE currently, and would prefer a site that is forward compatible when Microsoft gets its act together and adopts the same CSS standards as the other browsers (curves on buttons, drop shadows, etc). The final skin will be QA’ed on all platforms including IE7, IE8, IE9 (developer version), Firefox on Windows 7, XP and Vista, Google Chrome on Windows 7 and Vista, and Safari on Apple and Windows 7, as well as the iPad.

The vBulletin Skin should be designed and locked at a width of “1024 wide x Unlimited length”, this means that when the site is expanded on larger resolution monitors, it will not exceed a 1024 pxl width. This makes the background of the site highly important and relevant to the design.

The site homepage should be designed to fit a “Leaderboard” (728 x 90 IMU) or “Full Banner” (468 x 60 IMU) at the top of the page on the header or below the header. Space considerations in the design should account for of three to four additional IAB / IMU Standard Banners on each page. This is required.

More information on Default Ad Specifications we will accept are found at:

- http://www.iab.net/iab_products_and_industry_services/1421/1443/1452.

AdSense integration will be required. Our requirements are that each page have a “Leaderboard” or “Full Banner” at the top of each page, and three to four additional IAB IMU standardized Ad placeholders in the design.

A Development server environment on will be provided so you do not have to purchase an additional license of the 4.0.4 version of vBulletin. This is a separate physical server platform running the same software as the Production Customer Facing Web Server. Our System Administrators will be made available to you for system level changes requiring system level changes, but none are anticipated.

FTP read / write account credentials to the “../public_html” directory will be provided along with vBulletin Admin Control Panel credentials with Administrator Capabilities to setup the style and layout of the site on the development server.

The default vBulletin skin must be removed from the platform. All aspects of the icons used within the default vBulletin skin / style, in the site, are expected to be customized and the default style removed from the board. You are NOT required to develop the skin on our development server, but it is preferred. If you have chosen to conduct development of the “skin” OFF of the suggested development server we own, we will ask that you also push a copy of the skin to our development server near the conclusion of the project for QA.

Production Server access will be given to you, similarly, as stated above for the development server. Production server FTP read / write account credentials to the “../public_html” directory will be provided along with vBulletin Admin Control Panel credentials with Administrator Capabilities to setup the style and layout of the site on the Production server. The default vBulletin skin must be removed from the platform. All aspects of the icons used within the default vBulletin skin / style, in the site, are expected to be customized and the default style removed from the Production default version of vBulletin.

Simply put, we have two different servers we work on to develop widgets and other features for our sites. We will need a copy of your work on both servers.

FINAL PAYMENT will be delivered once the final skins have been applied to both the production and development server, and your final working files have been compressed into a ZIP file and uploaded to a directory on the development server.

This includes:

• Skin Package ZIP
• PANTONE Color Codes used on site
• Font Files used in site.
• Any AI Formatted Files
• Any EPS Formatted Files
• Any GIF Formatted files (Transparent if Applicable) and Non Transparent 256bit
• Any JPG Formatted Files
• Any PNG Formatted Files
• Any PSD Formatted Files

Once the site layout has been completed on the development server (environment), you will be provided the appropriate and same temporary credentials to the “push” the skin, style, and templates to the Production end user facing webserver.

Installation of Mods:

Installation of a Vimeo Mod and a Mod to be able to display picture gallery’s in Blog Posts and Articles is required.

Achievement Module (vBCredits II Deluxe):

We currently use an Achievement Module for vBulletin. Site specific, detailed, iPhone “like” icons need to be designed for use in the Achievement Module. Examples of the ICONS that will need to be designed can be found below.



The design of these will need to match the cohesiveness of the site, be unique and creative, and relevant to the award provided to the user for loyalty and achievements on the site. 250 icons are included in the pack and will need to be developed.

Widget Layouts, integration with Facebook and Twitter will be required. We will be using VBSEO for Twitter integration, and the standard Facebook integration that comes out of the box with VB. Final site layout assistance may be required and will be paid at hourly rate post-project.

This is a fixed bid proposal request, however, AdSense, phpADs integration, or other SaaS, Widget, and Plugin integration may be required. Please state your hourly rate in your proposal, so if you are needed for post-production changes, we are aware of your rate before hand, and you will be compensated via your preferred payment method.

Look forward to your bid!


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