所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Service website with login + databases

Service website with login + databases 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Karen grant 接包方 : Symsource 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 106183
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-09-08


Wordpress Format

I have my own linux server (gentoo)

A little flash is good


I need a logo created for the company in vector form

This is a website to provide a service. There are 3 different views of the webpage (listed below) after logging in. About 8-10 pages without the login website content. Similar to guru.com but nowhere near as complex. Very simple, no tricks... No escrow..

Client View

- sign in

- search locations to see if services are offered in their area

- buy service with paypal

- post project and details

- leave feedback on employee after services are rendered

- see that their project has been assigned

- view uploaded data that comes from the employees' upload

- view all data for past 90 days

- have a web address to point to data without having to sign in

- purchase services for a friend (online gift card)

- they get a promo code and have to create a profile (email notice)

Employee View

- sign in

- submit application

- ability to load resume, sample photos, list equipment

- fill out tax forms, send picture of id, agree to terms

- check their hiring status

- confirm all documents are received

- see if their profile has been activated to select events

- view/self-assign available work in area

- view time/number of events worked and worked for past 12 months

- also can view money made per event, month, year

- upload data from hired projects, cannot delete photos once online

Administrative View

- Sign in

- Tracking money, projects, employees,

- Ability to change all assignments

- Block users for term violations (low feedback score, did not complete work)

- Auto assign projects 48 hours before hired date (higher the feedback + better chance of being assigned)

- View employees' applications

- Hire employees and allow them to sign up for events

- Assign employees to projects

- Search by employee name, event, city, login name

- View employees/customer profile info (by search)

- make unique promo codes that give discounts to customers

- Pay employees with paypal business account


接包方 国家/地区
Symsource (中标)


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