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GLOSS: The Fashion Magazine - Wordpress Redesign 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Betty martinez 接包方 : Sangwansoft 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 106240
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-09-09


We recently converted our online fashion magazine's format from a self-design Dreamweaver template to a Wordpress GUI. However, in doing so, we lost control over unique site design. What we seek is a customized Wordpress template that reflects as closely as possible our original site design.

Here are more details about the require design elements:

1. The main index page should allow us to feature at least one "headline" article. Currently we use a Wordpress category to provide this functionality.

2. Ideally, the main index page would show 120x120px teaser photos for each article, next to a short headline with teaser text. An example of what is currently being displayed is available at http://www.glossmag.ca/.

3. There are 5 "subject" topic groups, each of which should be accessible from the main page. Each article is assigned one category corresponding to the subject topic groups.

4. Each subject topic group should have its own landing page, which will display the 120x120px teaser photos and teaser headlines for the most recent articles in that category. should be able to access older category posts. An example of what we previously displayed (and would like to be able to recreate through Wordpress) is available at http://glossmag.ca/fashion/.

5. Each article post should have room for at least one image having a width of 480px (the ability to resize a photo to scale down to 480px width would be ideal), followed by a photo credit, headline, author byline and story text. An example of the previous design, which we would like to recreate, is available at http://glossmag.ca/issues/17/fashion/5-trends.html. Note that the 480px image will not necessarily be the same photo that we want featured as the associated 120x120px teaser image.

6. Occasionally our posts will contain lots of photos. We would like these to be displayed conveniently using a slideshow, either in the sidebar or below the article text if necessary.

7. Sometimes we will want to post an article without much text, but with different sized photo features. An example of this is available at http://glossmag.ca/issues/17/fashion/1-runaway-to-the-circus.html.

8. The site should accommodate Google AdSense ad slots of various dimensions.

9. Different elements of the article will need to be connected to specific CSS styles. For example, the author's byline, photo credit, headline and main article text each have their own CSS style.


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Sangwansoft (中标)


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