所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg drupal project, backend needed

drupal project, backend needed 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Alison walker 接包方 : Keysolution 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 106873
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-09-22


Hi there,

I would like to have a restaurant searching web site, an online community website with users food review.
Yes, a Yelp like webiste.
I will provide all the images for this site, sitemap, wireframe, and PSD design file.
This is a drupal site. You are free to use modules, theme, etc.

I would like to have the following items in my website:
- AJAX restuarant search ( the one on left side, http://www.dell.com/home/desktops), users can search by cuisine, by area, by city, by highest rate, etc. Sorting is also required.
- each restaurant will have phone, name, address, photos, google map, around 10 fields at this point, will add more in the future.
- restaurant will be catalogized by different cuisine
- users are free to register and login
- users can search and select any restaurant to write food review and feeback in text, and post photos.
- users can post photo to specific restaurant, the system should able to downsize the images.
- users can add new restaurant if he cannot find it on the website, which will required admin to prove it.
- latest food review will show on the homepage.
- most view restaurant will show on the homepage.
- most food review restaurant will show on the homepage.
- most active user will show on the homepage.
- each user has his own blog page, this blog shows all the food reviews, photos, everything related to that user
- admin can access all the food review, user page, doing edit, delete, etc
- friendly url
- tracking system for advertising banner
- some static pages
- this site will start in english, it will change to another language at the final stage

Please give me a quote on the price and project duration. Please send me sample of your work.


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