所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Magento Expert Needed (Part time) Google Checko...

Magento Expert Needed (Part time) Google Checkout/Base 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ruth martin 接包方 : Susanire 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 108413
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-10-22



First let me start off by asking you to please be honest with me. Alot of times we have people bid on projects for the money and not that they are qualified for the job. We need you to know what you are doing, to hire you. Please be honest.

We are looking for someone that is always online during USA business hours. You must be able to be reached during that time. We are looking for someone that is familiar with MAGENTO, Google Checkout, PHP and other website programs. We need many things done to the site to make it look better, make it automated, make it more functional.

Currently we have about 10 issues with the site. Some of the buttons are not working, adding to cart is not responding. The issue is that we have had developers create these for us and then disappear like most do. Some of these are custom scripts that need editing. Most of it has to do with Magento, PHP and coding errors on the site.

The Google checkout is what we accept for payment at this time. We have had issues with shipping addresses. we would like to restrict shipping to certain areas via google checkout. This will be a custom coding job.

We also have a supplier which provides us a SOAP feed of all of their products, we need this integrated into our website to be able to offer their products on our site and have the customer check out there.

We also have a Google base export that needs editing, we need to have it show more detail and be published automatically. We have this already created and just need to perfect it, this should be an easy job.

We also are in need of a custom automation import from our suppliers excel sheet, and it needs to tell our site to put the item in or out of stock and adjust the price. The good thing is this is already created, it just needs to be updated.

All of these creations have been done by developers that have become unreachable. So you can imagine that we are not very impressed with the level of success and professionalism we have experienced. We really need to get this taken care of and fast. We have alot of work and this will be a full time job. We can pay via paypal or this site. We are using this site as a grounds to list this work. We are looking for the best, and this site has that to offer us.

This is a part time position, with 20-30 hours a week. I do not want to pay for the $99 listing fee for this.


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